Tag Archives: raise my vibration

Vibrational review

Do you LIKE the color PURPLE? ~ Raise Your Vibration, Transform …

Do you LIKE the color PURPLE? Posted by Raise Your Vibration on 6:30 AM … Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life be available in eBook format on December 24th at www.raiseyourvibration.ca. Here are some healing …

Metaphysics 102: How To Raise Your Vibration (Consciousness …

Call it what you will – resonating faster, raising your vibration, or …

How to raise your vibration & lift your spirit? Process your fear! « The …

How to raise your vibration & lift your spirit? Process your fear! The anti-human invasion on earth and the manipulation into the recycling of souls · How to live powerfully in 2012 · What does it mean to be ‘a good man’ in the …

Education Line How to Raise Your Vibration: The Power and Impact …

How to Raise Your Vibration: The Power and Impact of the Law of Vibration. Our vibration is the emotional and spiritual energy level inside our body and our awareness. It is our current inner state, our feeling of frequency, CheckPoint 156-110 …


Five Ways to Raise your Vibration – Naturally! – Holistic Healing …

This is the connection between raising your vibration (frequency) and improving health! Everything in nature vibrates at different frequencies. In fact quantum physics describes the universe as nothing more than vibrating …

How To Raise Your Vibration: HELP! My Partner Is Negative And …

How To Raise Your Vibration. This blog spot has been created to assist you in the Raising of your Vibration. It will provide tips, tools, techniques and knowledge to help you expand your consciousness and raise your energetic …

Raise your vibration and belief for 2012 | EFT Therapist


Raise your vibration and belief for 2012. Published December 12, 2011. Listening and reading national news at the moment, is not pleasant. We all live our lives at certain levels of vibration. If our level is set at low, we can feel anger, fear, …

Do Spiritual Pictures Raise My Vibration? Equal Life Magazine


In fact a picture does not have the power to create feelings or ‘raise your vibration’. All such experiences – if you just look at it – are created by YOU in your own mind through your positive and negative value judgments placed …

Raise Your Vibration! Be Happy, Stay Happy! | Chakra Chic – Energy …


Raise Your Vibration! Be Happy, Stay Happy! November 30, 2011 by Staton | 0 comments. Get tips and understanding of how to raise your vibration and keep yourself clear of blocks in this video… …

Healing the Body and Raising Your Vibration


The power of thoughts in healing the body, what level your currently vibrating at and ultimately, how to raise your vibration to a level where you can allow all of the good things to come into your life that you’ve been asking for.

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Want to become an expanding human being? Suggestions: Act like one!

Yesterday I wrote an article, and asked you to recommend a course of action for the mother in the article with the female child…

Many of you have asked me before: how can I raise my vibration? What shall I do to build skills? Where should I start to find my life’s work that I would love to do?

My standard answer has been: keep alert, keep aware, life is full of training and growth opportunities. You take a path, keep your eyes open, and grow in the process.

Taking that challenge, placing yourself in the position of the mother was an excellent way for you to see if you have been giving lip service to growth or you are actually committed to grow.

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Vibrational Reviews: Lisa Nichols’ Creative Visualization

Lisa Nichols and creative visualizationI like Lisa Nichols. Maybe the only self-improvement person I actually like. Why do I like her? Because she feels real to me. Does that mean that what she teaches work? No, it doesn’t. Does that mean that she has high vibration? No, it doesn’t.Her personal vibration was 200 a week ago, and is 170 today. What happened? She has expected her launch with MindValley to go better… I am guessing, I have no connection to Lisa Nichols.

What does a dip in vibration like this mean?
It means that Lisa Nichols, at least as far as her business goes, lives fully on the horizontal plane, and poor success in a product launch is now effecting her. Should it? No…

This was one of the last barriers to inner peace that I managed to pull: making my feeling and inner peace depend on my numbers, on my results, on my feedback. It rendered me a dog that is wagged by its tail. It was horrible… Now that I am rid of it, I have reliable 24/7 inner peace.

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Raise your vibration. What should be your first steps?

You want to raise your vibration? Don’t know how to do it?
I talk to at least ten of you, readers, every day, through email. The question is always: but what do I do to raise my vibration?

The answer, when I give it to most of you, goes right over your head. We are like two trains passing each other in the night… I am not getting through to most you and therefore I can’t make a difference for you. But why is that?

This is what this article is about… so read it, and read it a few times, until it’s crystal clear.

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Sweep The Floor, Wash The Windows, Vs. Move To A New House Or A New Country… Or The Different Modalities Of Self-Improvement, Self-Development And Transformation

Sweep The Floor, Wash The Windows, Vs. Move To A New House Or A New Country… Or The Different Modalities Of Self-Improvement, Self-Development And Transformation

I have been looking at some of my personal sticking points.

Addicted to milk, addicted to sugar, avoiding doing the laundry… these are just the tip of the ice berg.

Oh, you thought that I was beyond that? Oh, sorry to disappoint, you are never beyond that. Besides, if I were, I would not be writing these posts, it would be painfully boring.

Life is about growing, life is about being an advancing personality, not about comfortably teaching something that is a non-issue for me. Even if writing about it would potentially cause your growth: life is about each person becoming an advancing personality, not some teaching others to be that, so they can be off the hook…

Anyway, returning to my top of the iceberg imperfections: I am wondering what is the payoff.

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Levels of consciousness explained

If we continue with the analogy of climbing a circular staircase, in each paradigm you can be at the bottom of the steps on the top, or anywhere in between.

Let’s consider that it takes 100 rotations to get to the top of the staircase inside your current paradigm. Wherever you are, you’ll find yourself somewhere on that 1 to 100 scale. Most likely closer to the bottom… Sorry.

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Updated: When The Monster Comes Out And Starts Doing Monster Stuff: What Will You Do? How will you raise your vibration back up again?

When The Monster Comes Out And Starts Doing Monster Stuff: What Will You Do? How will you raise your vibration back up?
This is a five years old article… but for some reason it came up on my screen today… and it is apropos…
A client was yelling at me. The article about the ass grabbing famous man…
Please be aware that the monster doesn’t sleep.
The wife who has since calmed down… but for a few weeks carried on daily… If you are reading this: I am OK, but it’s not useful for me to deal with this… I appreciate how you got the point…
Not everyone gets the point.
The long time student who left, in anger. Has canceled everything, including her facebook account. Must be really angry… the monster came out.

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Are my articles hard to understand?

I have been having a difficult time writing enough about any one topic to finish one article… Meaning I have six articles started, and can’t or won’t finish them.

What’s going on?

I am afraid.

That’s new FEARLESS Sophie, tell me more?

Some of the things that are being shown to me recently are polarizing. Dividing people. Will make some, maybe many people angry.
The truth hurts. And when something hurts, it is natural to go to victim mode, effect mode, and point a blaming finger at someone. At me.
So I have been cowardly, and have been sitting on the fence.

But today I think I’ll overcome the inertia, and say what there is to say.

OK, it’s about vibration, capacities, and what you can get or not get, what you can use, what is going to work for you or not, depending on your numbers.
Most of us live on a level and in a position in life where we are fairly competent.
Then, according to the Peter Principle, some of us are moved to a level where you are incompetent, especially in organizations, and you suffer.

You either become competent on your new level, or you keep on suffering.

To avoid being challenged we tend to remain at a place, in a position, where we are competent.
And yet, we want more from life, than the place, the position, our competency can give us.
We dream. We imagine. We watch people who have more, do more, and we want that.

To go from one level to the next level is arduous. It is much like going from elementary school level to college level without going through high school… four years in most countries.

But we don’t think that. We think we can put ourselves in a college classroom, and catch up.

I see that everywhere, with many of the people who I am in contact with, people I can observe.
Doing the work to raise your vibration is college level, maybe even graduate studies level work.
You are sitting in a college classroom with an elementary school education. Most of the things I say you miss. 90% minimum. Most of you miss it all.

You blame it on me… maybe. But I ask you a question: can you imagine a college professor teaching college level material effectively in high school? I can’t.
The program I use in my 67-steps coaching program, is the high school level education that you missed.
The more you think you have it, the less it can fill the gaps for you.

Just as in architecture there is no building the top floor before the foundation, there is no jumping in knowledge.

Unless the new piece has a chance to attach and be supported by already there knowledge. Here is what Charlie Munger has to say about it: “You may have noticed students who just try to remember and pound back what is remembered. Well, they fail in school and in life. You’ve got to hang experience on a latticework of models in your head.” — Charlie Munger (self-made billionaire entrepreneur and investor)
I missed a semester in architecture school due to being hospitalized, and I could never catch up. I was t
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Two myths that lead you to no success and misery

Most articles just flow out of me… this one just didn’t want to flow.


My guess is that this article may be the most damaging to the current status quo, current success myths that keeps people that follow the common knowledge stuck in their misery.

My second guess is that it’s because I myself am just now going through the process of liberating myself fully from this common knowledge.

With transformation, with success, with raising your vibration, there is no way around hard stuff, only through it.  The shortcut leads through the stuff… Said in another way: the shortcut is not an easy way, it is the hardest, emotionally, existentially, because there is no easy way… so if you were looking for an easy way, please leave now.

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Before it’s a mindset, it’s a skill… if you don’t build skills, you can’t change your mindset

Before it’s a mindset, it’s a skill

With that said, please understand, that no one can give you skills. Therefore no one can change your mindset. Your beliefs. Your stored memories. Your misery. Only you can. All those people that do voodoo, thought shifting, energy whatnot, chakra healing, and other instant b.s. are liars, cheaters, fakes, frauds, and impostors.

The decline of humanity, I think, began or was accelerated when people thought that because they understand it, therefore they can do it, and do it at will, do it well, keep it up, etc.

Everything requires skills, and skills need to be built. With practice, over a long time. Just look at crash diets: you lost the weight but you built no skills to eat correctly, to redirect your urges, so you will pack back the pounds and more… No skills, no slim body… very simple.

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