Tag Archives: epigenetics

I had a few interesting client interactions today plus epigenetics

I have gleaned quite come new information about people who become my clients.
–Client #1: energy teacher, practitioner.
Has been paying me for years to do work on him. This time I did work on him, on his ex, and am waiting for payment to work on some of his associates.

It doesn’t even occur to him to work on being a co-creator: he is either believing in my power to do it for him, or he doesn’t believe in it…

My hunch is that he, secretly, knows that what he does is ineffective, and by the same token he is sure, secretly, that what I do is ineffective.

Reminds me of money gurus, or law of attraction gurus: big boys club support each other: each benefit equally by throwing dust in the unsuspecting “plebs” eyes.

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Thought experiments. Why won’t you do them?

Humans, some of them, are capable, genetically, to have thought experiments. Animals can only learn through trial and error.

Now, everything that is beyond animal is controlled by DNA, genes. By genes that can be set to on or to off… These genes could be called epigenetic genes… where epi means: on or above in Greek. And ‘epigenetic’ describes factors beyond the genetic code. Epigenetic changes are modifications to the DNA that regulate whether genes are turned on or off. These modifications are attached to DNA and do not change the sequence of DNA.
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Epigenetics… the path of human evolution: from human to human being

How I use the energy that I download during the Days of Power
After I moved out of my parents’ home, I met this guy who became my boy friend. My first boy friend.

He was a philosophy student, son of a well known philosopher.

I didn’t understand a word they were talking. When I typed up his thesis I bastardized some of the words, because I had no idea they weren’t typos. They didn’t look like, they weren’t regular words.

Here I am 46 years later, and if you asked me what profession I have, I would have to tell you that I am closest to being a philosopher. Boggles the mind.
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The holographic learning method in action

The best method of learning is not linear. It is holographic. Your picture always contains the whole picture… even if it is still fuzzy… so the context is already set. You know where and how things fit in the big picture.

Miko brings up a topic that can lead us to some useful learning practices, a more useful knowledge base, a life with direction, and maybe even to a life worth living.
Sophie, what I got from this article is that persistent hammering on a task is a way to raise my TLB score, and that it’s natural that it’s going to be fuzzy at the beginning, but that’s no reason to quit.

I’ve been studying philosophy, as an experiment of sorts, and I recently got a text to work with as a homework, where my experience is a bit like what you described here — I don’t understand half the words. But I’m starting to see that as I look some of them up, and re-read the paragraphs, some of the things are getting a little clearer.

So the thing for me to do is to go through the whole text again… and again, if I must.

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What is the technology of personal evolution…

I have said, in another article, that what is “normal” for a vehicle for the selfish gene (a human), is to move to and then stay in an ess.

Evolutionary stable strategy. Where life works relatively smoothly.
If you listen to the genes, you’ll live that way, you live in an ess.
Your job, your family, your health, your thinking are all in an ess… You don’t grow, you survive. You get up in the morning because you didn’t die the night before. It is probably boring, and you are probably sick, dumb, and poor. Or maybe not. It pretty much depends on what you start with.

That is how most people live, and it has a pull that is very strong.

You don’t rock the boat. You make do. You may do stupid things, and they likely take you downwards, towards gravity.

Now, it is obvious that this is not the path of creating epigenetic shifts toward living a life worth living. Not for me, not for the spirit, not for the soul. It is the ideal life for the selfish gene.

But Life wants more life, and the ess way of living results in less life.
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What does it take to grow as a person?

Can you learn something that you lack the spiritual capacity for?

I spend a lot of time pondering this issue. What is the predictor, in the Starting Point Measurements –>, or if it’s not there, what measure could I add, that would predict what someone can do, and is likely that someone will do.

According to Jim Camp –>, negotiation genius, vision drives decision… and action.

So to see how far someone is willing to grow, how far someone is willing to go beyond what’s the status quo, depends on their vision. That is not capacity… that is hardwired in their genetics.

Some 35 years ago I used to ask this question differently: Continue reading What does it take to grow as a person?

Driftwood? Why driftwood?

There’s Nothing To Get And There’s Nothing To Fix… is that true?

A Cup Of Tea
Nan-in, a Japanese Zen master during the Meiji era (1868 – 1912), received a university professor who came to him to inquire about Zen.

Nan-in served tea. He poured it into his visitor’s cup until it was full, and then he kept on pouring.

The professor watched it overflow until he could no longer restrain himself. “It’s full. No more will go in!” he cried out.

“Like this cup,” Nan-in said, “you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?”

Why am I sharing this anecdote? I intend to return You To Power So You Can Have Grace, Ease And Power Inside The Machine And Make the machine and your life Fly

But your cup is full… you already know the meaning of everything… in fact have known it forever… and therefore your life is fixed, and that’s that. So you merely sample what I teach, you pick and choose what you like and don’t like, even what you hear or ignore.

Maybe you can’t do better. Maybe you can only see what is visible from the singular vantage point: from behind your eyes.

What does that mean?

There is a word in the English language that is used in a limiting way: only as duty, or what you should do. Continue reading Driftwood? Why driftwood?