Tag Archives: Cultures

What should you work on to raise your vibration?

Your Bach Profile… a tool for abundance

The first question everyone who actually wants to grow, raise their vibration, and stop being sick, dumb, and poor asks: so what do I do first?

Of course this is a good question… but until this week I really didn’t have a reliable answer. I didn’t have a good answer. I actually didn’t know…

But this week this is opening up, and I have been able to see some answers.

Of course when I have a chance to spend an hour or two with you, I rarely have a problem… but I rarely spend an hour or two with a complete beginner, unless they need a health consultation.

But my newly re-discovered tool, the Bach Profile is proving to be invaluable.

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A telltale sign that you are self-referential. Is that the main cause of your misery?


“Admire as much as you can. Most people do not admire enough.”
– Vincent van Gogh

Admiring people who are worthy of our admiration doesn’t cost us anything. Same with admiring animals and plants and natural phenomena: no pain involved. Same with admiring great accomplishments by our fellow humans: no agony or agitation required.
I have said it before: being able to admire, to being in awe is one of the most uplifting and purifying experiences. Now you know who you are, in relation to that which you admire, and you know where you are going.

The above is a quote from Rob Brezsny’s newsletter. Of course Rob Brezsny is a “wearing pink color glasses” type of person, who refuses to see shadows. So here are the shadows that get revealed when you attempt to admire someone:

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You are infected with memes.

Humanity is infected with memes. The infection accelerated when the internet began, and is now almost 100% with smartphones in every hand.
But some people didn’t get infected. What is their secret?
OK, let’s start at the beginning.

What is a meme?
What is the mechanism of a meme?
What does a meme do?
Who/what benefits?
What counteracts?
What cures?

So, what is a meme?
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Meme vs. a personal belief. Can you change either? Money, happiness, health… are they unattainable to you?

Meme vs. a personal belief… let me enlighten you about the differences.

In the Starting Point Measurements, #11 To what degree you think of yourself is a crucial indicator.

#11 indicates to what degree you can tell if something is yours or not yours. If that something is about you or not about you.
The meme that everything is personal is strengthened by the so-called spiritual teachers, who will help you get rid of your money beliefs, or love beliefs, or food/body beliefs?
By saying these beliefs are personal, they are on the side of the conspiracy, the memes, not on your side.

By saying these are subconscious beliefs, YOUR beliefs, and that you can beat them… like Mind Movies peddler Natalie Ledwell suggests that you can, they use these memes to line their pockets and empty yours.

Even the theory of famed psychiatrist, Carl Jung, who calls it “the collective subconscious” is flawed.
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Reframing… Label of ethnicity or cultural origin

One of the things that came up in the Muscle Testing Course is ethnicity.

Ethnicity is “the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition.”

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The narrative… the story that creates who you are

The narrative

A student of mine, after listening to my last Sunday call recording, asked why Jews turned to a different strategy than the slaves from Africa. Or Native Americans.
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Satan? Ego? Useful or Faulty Design?

I have been observing myself as a spiritual practice. Trying to “remember myself” as Gurjieff would say it, call upon the “witness” or “observer”. Be awake. Either way, I have noticed something remarkable about myself: see if you can relate.

When I am in front of my computer* (where I spend most of my day) and I encounter something that requires the slightest push on my end, I see myself automatically going to the computer game of my choice, freecell.

I began observing this phenomenon about 6 months ago (it was there, unobserved, for many years). But 4 days ago I decided to employ “restriction,” which is one of Kabbalah’s main tenets, and see what will happen.

For about 36 hours I closed the freecell program as soon as I opened it. Then every time I was “awake” which means I was by myself and I was still observing myself. On the other hand, every time I was on the phone, or watching a video on my computer, or listening to an audio file, my attention wasn’t on myself, and I played… until I “woke up.”

Still curious, more interested in the experiment than conquering the force that moves my hand, I saw something today that is worth sharing.

Since I have started this blog, I have been watching how I somehow leak the energy that is necessary for creative thinking and expression… by talking on the phone, by playing freecell.

Every occasion when I need the little push and I opt to play instead, two things happen: 1. I have diminished the internal discomfort 2. I have successfully diverted my attention from what is important to me.

The first one is good, right? Who would want to be uncomfortable, after all.

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