Tag Archives: dark side

Returning to the fork in the road where we took a wrong turn

If you find yourself on the wrong road… trace your way back to where you went astray… and choose a different road.
Why? Because trying to go across to where you really wanted to go, without going back,  is fraught with death traps.

Humanity, some seven thousand years ago, took a wrong turn. In just a few words: they started to replace reality with word pictures in the mind. Concepts.
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The mirage of inner transformation… A mirage? Yes.

I don’t really care about the mating habits of water buffalo… but I can’t look away…

I heard that little ditty yesterday on Amazon Prime Video. And I laughed for quite a few minutes.

And I think it describes some people’s relationship to my articles, to my teachings. I think people are fascinated or can’t look away… But that doesn’t mean they care about what I teach. Or doing anything with it.

The rare specimen that does makes it all worthwhile…

I don’t cater to the lowest common denominator… the easily titillated… so I have only a few people who read my articles. When I look at everyone else, TV, Social Media, websites… I see that they do cater to the low… otherwise they would not stay in business, I think.

Everyone blames social media, but the media is just the medium: the low vibration comes from people. And no one takes personal responsibility for their own vibration, for how they see the world, and for how they spread darkness.

And most people do. Spread darkness.

The ones that are sure they aren’t are part of the evil by doing nothing.
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
Edmund Burke (British statesman) didn’t say this. What he said is this:
When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.
And later another British philosopher said:
Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.
So this is the age (again?) where we live… and maybe, just maybe, people who subscribe to my site are ‘good men’ or at least fancy themselves good… but they definitely do nothing.

So what is there to do? Fight the bad men? Futile. Wasted energy.
So what can a good man do that would matter?
This is a real question and I am pondering.

I have one student who, I think, is doing what a good Man is to do to balance out the bad, who is doing what you would do if you considered yourself with a fire that unless it’s attended to, will burn out.

Because Life, intelligent life is on its way out… unless…

Unless you do what the philosophers of old said: your job is to make the most of yourself.

Isn’t that selfish? It is Self-ish. And it is noble. It is generous. It is grand… especially in times where the world is rooting for fun and games. For the orgy.

Will those, can those turn the tide around?
I don’t think so. But there is joy, their is fulfillment, there is self-love when you do it. For you. Because you matter.
I read that one student’s reports to me, and I learn more about what it was like for her before she started to awaken herself… and embark on this work of becoming all she can become.

The ones that are in the middle of it have very little to say. But given that she has climbed, at least partially, out of the pool of ‘water’ that she used to sit in, she can look and compare.

The students that have never been outside
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Is this feeling mine? The most important use of muscle testing – updated

I am sitting here by my computer feeling devastated. In despair. On the verge of crying.

I have no reason to feel this way. Things are OK, I am OK. WTF! right?

So I muscle test. Is this mine? No. Is this coming from my next door neighbor? yes/no

OK? it is coming from there and from somewhere else? right? yes.

Is it an energy blast? A broadcast? Yes. We both got caught up in that. With the major difference, that I can tell, because of muscle testing, that it is not mine. So she remains in despair and i am free.

The human mind is a meaning making, story spinning machine.
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How do you catch what you can’t see? How do you change into someone who can?

Last night I spent a few hours (3, to be exact.) listening to Jim Rohn, famed self-development coach. Funny, entertaining, brilliant.

He said all the right words. He made sense to a lot of people.

But I bet if we scratch the numbers, he made just as little results as everyone who is trying to cause individual human evolution.

I’ll tell you in a little bit why… but first let me tell you what he says:
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Fighting windmills? No time to do good stuff, let alone great stuff?

I just learned something terrible about myself. A lot of people hear me as if I were their father.
You see, in my family I was the dunce… meaning stupid. And even though I had straight A grades, and I was good at everything I tried, I remained stupid for my family.

How this works I don’t know. But this seems to be the dynamic: people make a decision about you, and then they never really look at you again.

You take it on, as the truth, and freeze into it. You allow it to guide you through life.
With me it was a little different, because I am defiant. I am not defiant to the person who speaks it, I am defiant to the saying. I am going to prove them wrong.
My brother, my older brother was the apple of my mother’s eye. He was smart, and good looking. And a boy. He had no challenge (as far as I can see it) because he didn’t look at life’s challenges as challenges… he didn’t study, and his grades were pitiful.
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Why do you choose the shotgun method that doesn’t work, while you know that the process method works?

I am reading this guy’s book. I say “this guy” because I don’t want you to read it. I want you to read my blog…

In a lot of ways he and I teach the same things, even though we use different words. He uses words from psychology and woowoo science… I use words like Amish Horse Training Method, Memes, Marker Feelings.

He is a money/marketing man. His vibration is 200, his accurate vocabulary is 600.

He is proof that you don’t have to have a very high vibration to be able to look from high enough so you see enough to make millions and even teach others to make millions.
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Returning to the fork in the road where you took a wrong turn

If you find yourself on the wrong road… trace your way back to where you went astray… and choose a different road.
Why? Because trying to go across to where you really wanted to go, without going back,  is fraught with death traps.

Humanity, some seven thousand years ago, took a wrong turn. In just a few words: they started to replace reality with word pictures in the mind. Concepts.

This took us to where we are now: not a pretty place. Any and every human is afflicted: no one is exempt.

An “avatar’s” job is to take you backwards so you can find your way from there… They have to have earned the right… by going back personally, backtracking themselves.

Most teachers try to cut across… oh the Buddhist, oh the Zen, oh the blah blah… they must know what they are talking about… b.s.

Maybe they know, maybe they don’t. But you haven’t done the journey back, so you are a second-hander at best, so shut the f… up!

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How old is your child self that is running your life

What is an adult, what is a child… and does your ego-state (Child, Parent, Adult) influence how much money you have, how much love you have, how healthy you are?

One of the distinctions, fields: what field is this interaction which we learned about a year ago, is closely related to Transactional Analysis ego states… very educational…
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We all have multiple personalities… How does your delusional self impact your life?

We all have at least two distinct and recognizable selves that we switch back and forth between.

In this article we’ll look at intelligence, but we could also look at the character, the attitude, the moral fortitude of the selves… but because I look at the world through the frame of smart and stupid, and only secondarily through loyal/disloyal, I’ll write this article on the intelligence level of your two selves.

Now, let me start with a statement: there is nothing wrong with being stupid. As long as you know and embrace that you are stupid.
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The mind is the stupid part of you…

Your mind, your stupid part, has no direct knowledge about reality. It has no concern, no regard to reality… It has in it what the memes have programmed it to have… 1% reality, 99% b.s. And your mind is, therefore, your worst friend. It is killing YOU and it is killing your life… sometimes slowly, sometimes really fast.

Every Tuesday I read my email to find my weekly horoscope, and here it goes… again. Setting a context for my life, a context I could have never dreamed up myself… Rob Brezsny and his weekly horoscopes I would not want to miss.
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