Tag Archives: beingness

The Law of the Jungle vs the law of attraction.

The most important thing about life is that each person is born into the world way after the party has started. Or the game.

And there is no manual. There is no real rule book. So we stumble and fumble and meander, and make up s.h.i.t…

One of the most harmful made up s.h.i.t. spewed out in the world to hapless people who are trying to figure out the game of life, how to win, how to get what you want is the so-called:

‘law of attraction’
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True or False

Occasionally people from other ‘disciplines’ email me and ask me to muscle test with Source if what they are taught there, what they believe or want to believe is true or false.

I could get billions of emails like that, because all belief systems, especially religion, have beliefs that are not true.

If you are someone who love your beliefs, stop reading… If your beliefs sustain you in life, stop reading.

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off… And if you loved your beliefs, then you’ll hate the truth… about life, about the universe, about everything.

So here is the questions/statements… with my answers gotten from Source through muscle testing. Continue reading True or False