Tag Archives: magical worldviews

What the heck is a worldview and why can’t you see it?

You can’t see your worldview. Or said more accurately: everything you see is a worldview.

View stands for what you see.

Your results, your lifestyle, your actions, your thoughts all come from your worldview.

That is why I likened it to the floor you walk on… before you can change your worldview, you need to be OK for suddenly not have a floor to walk on.

So changing your worldview is only possible if you are willing for the floor to disappear. I have been… Are you?

I had a friend during my participation in Landmark Education. She was an aspiring entrepreneur. Aspiring meaning: unsuccessful.

Why was she unsuccessful? She could do things. She had the appearance: she was tall, for example.

In one of our phone conversations she shared the elation when the cards flew off the board in Freecell… the sign of winning the game.
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