Tag Archives: Soul Mate

Who is your soul-mate? Are they nice-nice, or accepting?

One of my students is asking a really good question.

She has two friends whose soul correction is Forget Thyself… and she has a good relationship with me… and I have that same soul correction.

She asks:
Sophie, after I read your last article I checked my last 2 friends’ soul corrections. My one friend who pushed me to a certain level had a soul correction Forget Thyself. My friend now, whom I met this year, also has a soul correction Forget Thyself. Interesting. Do we get attracted to certain soul corrections or maybe we get along better with some soul corrections that matches our soul correction?
The answer is not that simple.

We know that we have two selves. One self doesn’t change. We can call it the soul. Or the Self. Or whatever you want to call it, it is unchanging. It is the same in you, it is the same in me… it is, maybe, the Self of what’s possible for the human species…
Obviously your other self is far from that, it is changing, it is reactive, put together, selfish, and complaining, and haughty, and bossy… all the things you see everywhere.

You are BEING that other self.
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Updated: Soul Correction #28: Soul Mate

Soul Correction #28: SOUL MATE
Update: Having worked with two more soul mate people, I am seeing something additional: you cannot find your soul mate if you have a preconceived notion of what that looks like.

But if this is your soul correction, then no one is good enough for you, because you have an expectation, an agenda, and everyone will fall short. Even you will fall short of your expectations of how YOU should be.

Your job is to start to get real, start to stop interacting with shoulds and such…

Ultimately you are setting people up to fail… and it is unconscious.

There is more… but I cannot access it right now… I’ll add to this when I can verbalize it.
Looking for the perfect date, the ideal mate, true friends, loyal associates, or the right business partner?

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What Are You Raising When You Raise Your Vibration?

 What Is The Vibration That The Map Of Consciousness Measures And What Is The Vibration That The Gurus Are Talking About?

What Is Vibration? What Do The Numbers Mean? How Do You Raise Your Vibration? Is The Guru Of Your Choice A Vampire, A Cult Leader, A Slave-Driver? You’ll Find Out Inside…

This issue is fraught with controversies. So let’s take a look. The truth will set you free, but it will first piss you off!

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Kabbalah, the Bergs’ version of Kabbalah, The Zohar, The Kabbalah Centre, Philip Berg, Karen Berg, Michael Berg, Yehuda Berg

Kabbalah, the Bergs’ version of Kabbalah, The Zohar, The Kabbalah Centre, Philip Berg, Karen Berg, Michael Berg, Yehuda Berg

Kabbalah, as a body of knowledge: 599
The Bergs’ version of Kabbalah: 330 (what is being taught in the Kabbalah Centre) and what I studied for 8 years!
The Zohar: 699. Does scanning the Zohar connect you to Source? No. Only connecting directly to Source connects you to Source.

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Connecting To Source, Connecting To Higher Self, Connecting To Intuition: Which Is The Easiest? Which Can Be Taught?

Connecting To Source, Connecting To Higher Self, Connecting To Intuition: Which Is The Easiest? Which Can Be Taught?

Warning: this article is written so a 9-year old won’t understand it. If your comprehension is on a 9-year old’s level, go, find another website to read… and if this warning insults you… Good. I woke you up!

What is the difference between getting guidance from Source and intuition?

What is the difference between connecting to your higher self and connecting to Source?

What is inspiration and where does it come from? How can I access it when I need it?

How do I pick a path and stay on it? Where does it come from?

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Opinion? How should you hear what someone says?

What is the difference between an opinion and an assessment, an observation, a statement, a theory, a hypothesis?

Many people use one word for many different things…

I have this “friend” who climbs the same steps I climb, except that he climbs it seven times each time, I climb it once or twice. He is a little younger than me.

I am fond of him: he is one of the handful of people I regularly talk to, eye to eye.

I often walk with him as he walks home: I guess I am hungry for human companionship: 10-20 minutes at a clip.
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What Is The Difference Between A Highly Intelligent Person And A ‘Normal’ Person? Can Intelligence Be Activated?

Does the intelligent person have more brain cells?

The difference is to what degree they use what they have. Or how they use it… or for what…

It is said, that most people use 2-3 percent of their brain. That statement is not entirely true, they use more, but not for thinking.

The rest of the brain is used for fear based negative thoughts. Or to mill water… Ponder stuff that doesn’t matter, fret, worry, explain in your head… yeah, the stuff your mind is busy with.

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The Spiritual Rules of Engagement

If you can only read one book in your whole life, read this book. Especially if you are a woman. But it can be very fundamentally revolutionary for a man as well, except I am not a man, so I can only guess.

I bought this book, The Spiritual Laws of Engagement The Spiritual Rules of Engagement: How Kabbalah Can Help Your Soul Mate Find You together with the Nano: Technology of Mind over Matter.

Characteristically, to me, as soon as I got it, I did not want to read the “Engagement” book. I didn’t want to be engaged, i didn’t believe I can attract my soul mate, so why bother. So I lent it to Sandy, my neighbor, she is 38 or so, single, and desperate. Not me, no siree.
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What is a soul-mate? Who is your soul-mate? Are they unconditionally nice-nice, or accepting?

One of my students is asking a really good question.

She has two friends whose soul correction is Forget Thyself… and she has a good relationship with me… and I have that same soul correction.

She asks:
Sophie, after I read your last article I checked my last 2 friends’ soul corrections. My one friend who pushed me to a certain level had a soul correction Forget Thyself. My friend now, whom I met this year, also has a soul correction Forget Thyself. Interesting. Do we get attracted to certain soul corrections or maybe we get along better with some soul corrections that matches our soul correction?
The answer is not that simple.

We know that we have two selves. One self doesn’t change. We can call it the soul. Or the Self. Or whatever you want to call it, it is unchanging. It is the same in you, it is the same in me… it is, maybe, the Self of what’s possible for the human species…
Obviously your other self is far from that, it is changing, it is reactive, put together, selfish, and complaining, and haughty, and bossy… all the things you see everywhere.

You are BEING that other self.
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Soul Correction and sexuality

Soul Correction and sexuality

This topic is just beginning to emerge for me, so expect some changes, and wild turns, and summary statements reversed… but yet it is worth exploring, it is worth to take this winding road to discover the connection, and do some soul-searching as to what I really hold true, and also to meditate what the “Original Design” holds as ideal blueprint for a human… Big task, but I am up or it.

I am going to examine it through three soul correction archetypes, for now, Forget Thyself, (34) Soul Mates, (28) and Sexual Energy (35).

I am starting to see enough of these to be able to say something that may make a difference. I am also tempted to pull in “Speak Your Mind” (25)… we’ll see. Don’t hold your breath.

OK, let’s begin… big sigh, fear, oh, what the heck, the worst can ever be is the article won’t be publishable, lol.

OK, First let’s look what’s this sexual energy is… well, from its name it should be clear: it is an energy. It is a drive.

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