Tag Archives: narrow cone of vision

What Are You Raising When You Raise Your Vibration?

 What Is The Vibration That The Map Of Consciousness Measures And What Is The Vibration That The Gurus Are Talking About?

What Is Vibration? What Do The Numbers Mean? How Do You Raise Your Vibration? Is The Guru Of Your Choice A Vampire, A Cult Leader, A Slave-Driver? You’ll Find Out Inside…

This issue is fraught with controversies. So let’s take a look. The truth will set you free, but it will first piss you off!

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Helicopter Ride, Turning Crap To Gold, Following A Guru

 I have been wondering what makes someone pick a certain guru, what capacity, what characteristics… This is the transcript of an audio of a conversation I had with Nancy, my brainstorming buddy… Listening to it is like going on a scenic helicopter ride… Enjoy

I just had one of the most intriguing conversations with my friend, Nancy.

One of the things I love about Nancy is that she always delivers the results I need, even when she is off.
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Knowing yourself… the lack of it is causing the biggest stumbling block to self-actualization

Thank god, I can relate to this… I didn’t know myself, didn’t even begin to know myself until 1988 or so. It’s a stumbling block I myself had to go over… and it wasn’t a walk in the park, so I see your hesitation.

And it isn’t the easiest stumbling block either. It takes courage. Man of Fear won’t even go there. Man of Courage… hell yeah… once he finds out that it is missing.

It’s a difficult stumbling block, because knowing means: accurately. And knowing means: sober eyes. Not critical, not judgmental, not apologetic, not justifying. And not running away.

Things are the way they are, and aren’t the way they aren’t… You are the way you are, and you aren’t the way you aren’t.

Sounds final, but that is exactly what it isn’t.

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Overconfidence… do you screw up because of it? Or the opposite? lol

My soul correction is “Forget Thyself”.

One aspect of this soul correction is overconfidence. I have to invent tricks to counter it, but, from time to time, it creates hell in my life… like right now.

You know I have been working on this human biting mites, or said in another way: microscopic mites that bite humans, live on and in humans, torture humans; avoid detection, so doctors don’t know about them, blame chemicals, viruses, allergies, infections, etc. to cover up that they have no idea.

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What is the difference between a blind man and you?

What is the difference between a blind man and you?

You would think that the difference is that you can see and the blind man can’t… But the real difference is that the blind man knows…

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The methodology of making the invisible visible

All mischief and all power comes from the invisible. Invisible to you, and maybe invisible to society.

It’s not hidden. It is just not obvious to the untrained eyes. What your eyes need is training and guidance.

My methodology, observing life through many distinctions, is a winning one.

It drives up, and makes visible what has thus far been invisible.

Racket, frame, memes, voices, states… the distinctions are all opportunities to see another aspect of the invisible, and gain control over yourself, so you can start moving in the direction of the good life, whatever good life is for you.

For example, your soul correction. It is a distinction to look through and see some formerly invisible stuff.
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You are in the bull’s ear… You live in the bull’s ear

Parents want to help, but instead they push you deeper into the bull’s ear.

The expression, came from a student’s father, you are in the bull’s ear, is a great distinction. It is not American, and because it is alien sounding, almost nonsensical, it can wake you up.

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More on the latticework on which you hang new knowledge to become worth a damn

Latticework can be likened to a Christmas Tree.

I once had a boy friend who bought tree ornaments as gifts every Christmas. Even to people who didn’t have a tree… ;-/

One of the barriers to real knowledge, I have found in my students, is compartmentalizing.

The opposite of compartmentalizing is the integrative approach…

I first saw this phenomenon in 1988, when i first read the famous book, What Color Is Your Parachute.

The core of that book is completely wasted on 99% of the readers. The core that talks about portable, transferable skills.

The reason people don’t get it, because they cannot see the integrative aspect…

All in all… if we look through spiritual capacities, the issue is that people look through a narrow cone of vision.

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Is it smart to ask questions?

People don’t ask me enough questions… they just go and do what they always do, with blinders on.

When they do ask questions, (some ask hundreds of questions!) the questions are not good questions. Good questions would guide them, bad questions keep them square in their box.

How do I know? I watch people… I go to my google account and check how people got to the site and start thinking: what would they ask if they were smart enough to ask a question. What would they do if they were smart enough to ask a question.

I don’t mean to put people down, I only mean the state they are in when they arrive. Blinders on. In their box. Mostly in an upset. Mostly fused with a problem, or with a “solution” to a problem.

This is how 99% of the readers of this blog arrive. Arrive imprisoned in their box.

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Soul Correction: The Big Picture

Soul Correction: The Big Picture

Your cone of vision is so narrow, that you cannot even see that you are not your mind, that you are not your ego, that you are not your body, that you are not your past, that you are not your desires.

In that narrow beam of a pen-light every moment you are somebody different, identifying with a different aspect of you… and there is no YOU… You have no core, you have no substance, you are just a pen light…

We all live as if we could see reality, but we are wrong. We walk around with a narrow cone of vision, never considering the environment, the context, other people’s life, thoughts, history, emotions, we walk around if there were no one else but us, nothing else but what we see.

Everything that is outside of the narrow cone of vision that we actually see, is black and white and all shades of gray: no color. We have no details, and we never look there.

We can’t see the forest for the trees, we never see cause and effect, and we never own up to the fact that we never even attempt to see the big picture.

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