Tag Archives: biting mites

Choice is: selecting freely, AFTER consideration.


Choice is: selecting freely, AFTER consideration.
Matsa asks: hmm, it’s puzzling – if you never choose X, didn’t you, in fact, chose Y?

My answer: are you referring to choosing sexual preference? Most people have the choice made for them, societally and biologically…

99.99% of people never actually choose consciously, instead allow something else to choose for them: how they feel, their urges, society, the other, etc.

The best example for choiceless choice is: choosing your mother… choosing your life to be the way your life is. It is weird for people. They resist how it is… but there is no other choice.

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Overconfidence… do you screw up because of it? Or the opposite? lol

My soul correction is “Forget Thyself”.

One aspect of this soul correction is overconfidence. I have to invent tricks to counter it, but, from time to time, it creates hell in my life… like right now.

You know I have been working on this human biting mites, or said in another way: microscopic mites that bite humans, live on and in humans, torture humans; avoid detection, so doctors don’t know about them, blame chemicals, viruses, allergies, infections, etc. to cover up that they have no idea.

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Why my niece died and other things worth your attention

People think that a mite infestation, especially the spider mite infestation is more a nuisance than anything.

After all what harm can these critters cause… no bacteria, no virus… no big deal.

But the truth is much more complicated, and much more dramatic than that.

The spider mites that live their whole life-cycle hidden from observation, have the visible stage: the nymph getting nutrients from the host.

A simple bite would harmful, would be painful, maybe it even would itch, but it probably wouldn’t kill you.

What kills you, and it does, that the nymph is attached to your skin, inner or outer, and its chemicals irritate the skin for days.

My niece died of cervical cancer.

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It takes two to tango

My horoscope said this today:
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Will you be the difficult wizard, Virgo? Please say yes. Use your magic to summon elemental forces that will shatter the popular obstacles. Offer the tart medicine that tempers and tests as it heals. Bring us bracing revelations that provoke a fresher, sweeter order. I know it’s a lot to ask, but right now there’s no one more suited to the tasks. Only you can manage the stern grace that will keep us honest. Only you have the tough humility necessary to solve the riddles that no one else can even make sense of.
That is really weird timing, because for the past day I have been wondering if I am out of step with the direction society, you, want to go and therefore I am out of step with life?

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You don’t care… then why should I?

Finally, after seven months on the war path, two weeks ago I found the solution to get rid of all three near microscopic biting mites… (including what causes the mysterious Morgellons) and to my surprise, suddenly, at the same time, my whole attitude changed with regards to working.

Suddenly, I went from working bee… to “I did not want to work any more.” I just wanted to read, play, watch Netflix. I didn’t even want to write any articles any more.

WTF, right?

So yesterday I sat down and had a heart to heart with Source, through questions, of course.

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Disgust is one of my superpowers. What is your superpower?

One of the questions you can ask yourself frequently is this: what is my superpower?

I could have said: what am I good at?… but that is not what I want to know.

A superpower is that little thing that I add to life that is not expected, and may not be obvious to people, maybe even not to yourself. And that is the reason to ask the question, and ask it often.

I have some students who definitely can’t see their superpower.
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The plague of our century… Or it’s too late to dig a well when you are thirsty

I wrote this article five years ago… and it’s eerily actual today…

What you want to take away from this article is this: a year from now you wish you started today…

Start what? Digging that darn well: building skills. Building relationships. Building alternative ways to make a living. Raising your awareness, consciousness. Getting yourself off the social bandwagon, getting yourself well…

It make be late today… but life is not over. A year from now it might be… Continue reading The plague of our century… Or it’s too late to dig a well when you are thirsty