Tag Archives: hydrate your cells

The fastest way to get better in every area of life…

…or how you are a one-legged person trying to win an ass-kicking contest
I have been experimenting.

I have run two experiments among the many that have brought results I did not expect. Results that told me that I have been one of these one-legged people.
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The fastest way to get smarter in every area of life… or how you are a one-legged person trying to win an ass-kicking contest

Why are you still a one-legged person in an ass kicking contest?
As I have said before, when your hydration is at or above 30%, you feel more solid, as if before you had been standing on one foot, balancing, precariously… and suddenly you are standing on both feet… stable.

You have more room for things to be “off”, off-kilter , and less in a fixing mode, knee jerk reaction mode.

Once you have achieved that level of well-being, physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually, you should be able to notice when you are standing on one foot again.

You may not think it’s your hydration… but you should. Really.

So the question I am going to ask in this article: what can you do to get yourself out of hydration… of stability, of being intelligent?
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