Category Archives: Soul Correction

Soul Correction, Doing The ‘Work,’ And Other Mystical Stuff Answers The Questions: How Do You Get Hurt? How Do You Hurt Others?

Soul Correction, Doing The ‘Work,’ And Other Mystical Stuff Answers The Questions: How Do You Get Hurt, How Do You Hurt Others?

One of the “archetypes” of false beliefs is ignoring past behavior.
I once had an employee. 50 years old woman, two children, in the midst of a divorce drama.

The story was that some 30 years earlier she was on her way to New York City on her daily commute by bus. A good-looking man approached him and they started to talk. By the time they got off the bus together she knew that unless he got married by the end of the day, he would have to go to prison to serve a long sentence for fraud.

By the end of the day they were married.

In the next 25 years he provided her with a good living and two beautiful daughters.

At that point he met this cult person, a beautiful woman, started a relationship, and left my employee for her. The cult was into some kind of fraud: I never quite understood what they did, but it had to do with jewelry and selling at flea markets: pretty much the thing our fraudster was an expert at.

He filed for divorce and left my employee without any kind of financial means or support.

My point is that my employee expected her husband to behave differently after they got married, than before, and differently with her than with others.
No such thing. How you do anything is how you do everything. You can pretend for a short time, but the real you will come out eventually.

This is what the fairy tales of Aesop and others try to teach; the scorpion or the fox, archetypes themselves, won’t change their spots… (I think originally it’s about the leopard and its spots… but you know what I mean, I hope.)

Soul correction is about your leopard spots. It’s about your fundamental relationship to life.

You constantly need to vigilant to catch the “spots” in any state of readiness to strike.

And if you are the other person, the partner: your job is to know yourself and know your partner.

If you get hurt, it is your responsibility. Not like you should blame yourself: if you do, you will find that blaming yourself is one of your “spots.”

If you blame the other: then that is you “spot.”

If you blame life, human nature, then… you guessed it, that is your “spot.”

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What do you do that destroys your relationships?

Someone with a critical eye will offer you some unsolicited advice today, and you should not be afraid to hear them out. Their reputation for painful honesty should be no excuse — your feelings don’t matter when real knowledge is out there to be learned.
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Soul Correction: Order from Chaos… my father’s

I had never had a piece of toast
Particularly long and wide
But fell upon the sanded floor
And always on the buttered side.
-James Pare

Anything that can go wrong, will.
-Finagle’s Law of Dynamic Negatives

If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it.
-Edward A. Murphy. Jr. (Murphy’s Law)

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Who is your soul-mate? Are they nice-nice, or accepting?

One of my students is asking a really good question.

She has two friends whose soul correction is Forget Thyself… and she has a good relationship with me… and I have that same soul correction.

She asks:
Sophie, after I read your last article I checked my last 2 friends’ soul corrections. My one friend who pushed me to a certain level had a soul correction Forget Thyself. My friend now, whom I met this year, also has a soul correction Forget Thyself. Interesting. Do we get attracted to certain soul corrections or maybe we get along better with some soul corrections that matches our soul correction?
The answer is not that simple.

We know that we have two selves. One self doesn’t change. We can call it the soul. Or the Self. Or whatever you want to call it, it is unchanging. It is the same in you, it is the same in me… it is, maybe, the Self of what’s possible for the human species…
Obviously your other self is far from that, it is changing, it is reactive, put together, selfish, and complaining, and haughty, and bossy… all the things you see everywhere.

You are BEING that other self.
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Updated: Soul Correction: Sharing The Light, Sharing the Flame

Soul Correction: Sharing the light.

A single candle, though its light is weak, banishes darkness. But it needs to be lit.

When you hide your light under a bushel basket so no one can see it: you are doing no one a service, including yourself.

Your job is to share your light, and trust that your single light will light up the life of all you touch.

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Soul Correction: Diamond in The Rough

Diamond in the rough

Soul correction is the soul’s purpose. No matter what activity you choose for your life, you can use it to be perfect for your soul’s correction.

This particular soul’s purpose is to find the diamond inside the rock: it’s there.

When life gives you rocks, they contain the diamonds. You did get rocks from life, and it is consistent with this soul correction.

So far you have been behaving like a victim, but the truth is that your soul really trusts you to turn it around.

You can do it, and this program is here to guide you through it.

On the other hand you may be the one who is the Diamond in the Rough… maybe you have the diamond inside you and you have been thinking that what you see is all you have.

But like with any diamond, the value in the removing the parts that are not diamond, and then the creating the lots of surfaces: that is what makes a diamond a brilliant cut diamond… that people pay all that much for… because they reflect the light in so many beautiful ways.

Which is true for you? My guess that it’s the second… So get going, get chiseling, get yourself out of the prison.
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Is your theory about how life works accurate? Does it work?

When I was really small, I remember my feet didn’t reach to the floor, I remember sitting on the toilet pondering how you slap people.

To my utter surprise, when it came to doing it, I did it quite naturally. Gracefully? Probably not. But I did it. Without thinking.

It taught me something: how you do something starts with actually doing it. And then you can modify, improve, change… but you know how to do it… at least badly.
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The is-ness of the judgmental paradigm, the right and wrong

What may be the most important characteristic of this low vibration, competitive paradigm is the use of ‘is’ when relating to things, people, or ideas.

The idea that you know is what is underlying the is-ness or this paradigm.

The idea that you know, that you can know, or anyone can know.

That things are simple. A square is a square, a circle is a circle, and your spouse is wrong. Simplistic.

Robots, AI, are more discerning, are more sensitive, are deeper than the people who live in this paradigm. The eight billion.
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Soul correction: another area where we plan to let go of the tree of knowledge

Soul correction: another area where we plan to let go of the tree of knowledge
Tree of Knowledge is the body of guesses humanity has made to make sense of the Universe.

It’s a huge body of knowledge, much of it made up… the mystical knowledge all belongs there. Religion, astrology, numerology, etc.

I, myself, wasn’t very curious about the world. My class mates were: I was pragmatic: I was taking things as they were. That was, in a way, my advantage when I started to delve into the world of the 99%: I had no preconceived notions, pretty much none.

I did like to read my horoscope though, but my attitude about horoscopes was different from the majority’s: I used and still use horoscopes to take me off the beaten path and pay attention to stuff I normally don’t pay attention to.

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The Last Effort… Are you a starter? Are you a finisher? Do you have unfinished projects by the dozens?

The Last Effort…
“The last effort is always the one that matters. So in whatever you do, never give in until it’s over as you’ll never know – you may just turn the whole thing around.” – Jasper T.

My notes: many people are good starters but lousy finishers. They have tons of projects they started. Starting is exciting. It gives you that good buzz.

It gives you bragging rights. But it gives you nothing more.

There are 7 stages to any project, and starting is just one of those. Though it’s an important stage, once it is done, you need to take the project through the stages where heartbreak, worry, anxiety, resistance, yours and the world’s come to break your stride.

Who you are going to be in the face of resistance, stagnation, mistakes, failures, disbelief is going to decide LISTEN UP!

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