How to set yourself up for winning in the 20-day skill-learning challenge?

OK, confession time: I have never inspired a challenge, and I am not exceptionally good at doing anything like this, but…

But with the limited knowledge and experience I have, let me share with you some of the ideas of winning, and some of the reasons for failing I know will come up:
1. it is your life. It is your 20 days. You start when you are ready to start. And don’t forget: you do it for yourself!
How do you know you are ready?
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Takeover of the planet through taking over your mind

The general public, including writers, can’t fathom anything less crude for mind-control than the affirmations in the Brave New World, or the microchip in Interface. A little bit more subtle is the method in Snow Crash, but not much.

The general public, including writers, cannot perceive, cannot conceive, cannot believe in the idea that mind-control is much more subtle, and it is going on all the time.

Or maybe how it is done in reality would not sell books? That is possible too.

Who is controlling your mind and to what end? What do they want that they are doing it… and they have been doing it for about seven thousand years… maybe even more.

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Healing Crisis, Healing Events

We suppress our emotions. Many of us don’t even breathe: we can’t because our chest isn’t willing to move any more, because we have put so much toxins into our muscles.

Suppressing is toxic. The opposite of suppressing is not “full expression” as it is in vogue to say, meaning becoming a raving maniac, the opposite of suppressing is allowing, feeling, being “with” it=being well while you are feeling bad..

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Who You Are, What You Are? What is your Essence? A new interpretation for Attitude

Attitude… what is it? What is the difference between your feelings, your emotions, and your attitude?

Who you are is your essence. It is not a reaction to some circumstance, like it’s late in the day. Your essence doesn’t change because you are tired.

Your who is created. Your who responds well to verbal command, just like you responded well when someone said: your name is Joseph, or whatever they said. You said: “OK, I am Joseph.” And then it never changed, It may have been shortened to Joe, but it didn’t change that you were Joe. The who. But that who was just a label.

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