Junctures, Paradigm Jumping, It Is Never Too Late To Have A Happy Childhood, Choices

Choices: It Is Never Too Late To Have A Happy Childhood

You can change your past. Much like in the movie trilogy, Back to the future, you can change your present that way.

Some 24 years ago, (I have told you I’ve been at this transformation thing for a long time, l.o.l.) I created and ran a group that was called: “Playground: it is never too late to have a happy childhood”

I was especially attracted to that title, because my childhood was really crummy, and I hoped that it was going to work for me.

Though it didn’t do much for me, it did a whole lot for the participants. Wholly unpredictable changes occurred: I didn’t have any explanation for what happened, but people transformed in front of my very eyes, turned from bitter into sweet and accommodating, two of the group miraculously cured from their impotence, got married, etc. etc.
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You can’t JUMP to the truth… in fact, any jump is jump from the skillet to the fire

The reason I like to use the 67 steps in my own slow turning to the truth, and in teaching and coaching, is because even though it seems to JUMP to SOME TRUTH, it is wise enough to not declare that small and relative truth, THE Truth.

This is in contrast with everybody else.

I am talking about Tai Lopez and his 67 Steps Program, $67, worth all the money you can scratch together.

The overall truth value of the program is 10%. And yet, it can be the foundation of a life well lived, and a life lived powerfully.

Why? Because of its diversity, because of it looking at so many things, and so many layers.

It doesn’t address world view, because that is a controversial topic, given that 100% of humanity “sport” an inaccurate world view… and they protect it like their lives depend on it.

And I bet it feels like that their lives depend on it. Being right is more important than being happy, being healthy, and even being wealthy.

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How they enslave a person, a nation, the world

You have heard the expression over and over again: “History Repeats Itself”

The history we are talking about here is bad. Wars, oppression, mass killings, abuse, lawlessness, tyranny, fascism, genocide… but as a rule, history, good or bad, repeats itself… We don’t mind the good… let it come, the more the merrier, but the bad? No thank you.

Why can BAD history repeat itself?

Why didn’t the people who saw the signs stop these processes in their beginning stages? Because they didn’t see the signs. By the time the signs are visible to the masses, the deed is done, people are dead, maimed, expelled, enslaved.

People of Germany, after the war was over, said: We didn’t see it.

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All you can do is all you can do, but all you can do is…

I have been curious why certain things I could do, like certain marketing moves, but I am not doing them.

Actually, there are quite a few things that I know I can do, and I don’t do them.

What’s there is fear. Mortal fear.

I am sure you recognize yourself.

Recognize that mortal fear. In ordinary language we call this procrastination. So if you are a procrastinator, if you think you are a procrastinator, listen up!
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You are either a partner, an employee, or a slave… or a slave driver

There are people I like to work with, and there are people who have no interest in working with me, they remain separate, and there is no “us”.

The ones with no “us” are the majority. Most will talk at me, demand of me, and maybe accept stuff, but there is no working together, no common shared goals, no synergy.

I feel used, and I bow out, or I fire them if they are a client.

In fact, that is the only type of client I ever fire… So if you are one of those… now you know.

Life is like sex: you can go at it on your own… and have some satisfaction, but if you try it with another, you may have bliss.

And, of course, how you do anything is how you do everything: I pity the ones with the “I am on my own, doing it alone” type of people, who, in my experience, are 70% of all people. Male, female… equally.

Sexual abuse, molestation, sexual whatever, that America is in uproar about, is about this… one using another for their own gratification.

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Soul-Correction: Self-Esteem. Low or high… inaccurate!

You must have heard that problems with one of the senses are usually compensated for through increased sensitivity of other senses or organs. For example, persons that had lost their hearing may delight in particularly acute eyesight or the sense of smell.

You can hear better in darkness where your eyes are disengaged, or with your eyes closed.
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Great guidance for today: The secret of change…

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.
When I came across that quote while surfing the Web, I felt that it jibed perfectly with the astrological omens that are currently in play for you.
Every website I consulted agreed that the speaker of this wisdom was Socrates, but I thought the language sounded too contemporary to have been uttered by a Greek philosopher who died 2,400 years ago. After a bit of research, I found the real source: a character named Socrates in *Way of the Peaceful Warrior,* a New Age self-help book by Dan Millman.
I hope this doesn’t dilute the impact of the quote for you. For now, it is crucial that you not get bogged down in quarreling and brawling. You need to devote all your energy to creating the future.
This jives really well with my newest activator that says: there is nothing wrong with you and therefore there is nothing to change…

You need to have the harmonize activator before you become eligible for this advanced activator.

Why? Because without the harmonize you can’t direct your attention, you are probably totally unconscious. This new activator needs you to get conscious…
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Your dance card is full… and your life is empty and meaningless. What will you do?

I woke up drenched in sweat from a dream this morning.

I was in a diner. I shared the table with someone… I took out a credit card to pay. I went to the cash register, and I didn’t have my card… in fact, all my cards and my cash were gone.

Scary, isn’t it? Lots of phone calls… all my accounts were emptied… But eventually I got above the dark cloud, regained my coherence and started thinking: am I doomed forever?

And I saw that I have assets… and I can get back to my computer and write an email, and I have money.

I built my assets for decades… and now they are there.

What about you? What assets have you built? What lasting things have you done?

What can you count to still have value after decades of your life?
One of the most ignored and most useful advice I have ever read comes from Warren Buffet, his 20 slot Rule.

It talks to stock investors, but it can be easily interpreted as an overall advice for a life well lived.

How do you know if you live your life well… is your life is a well lived life?
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Are your friends under mind control?

Today’s article is for people that are able and willing to think. Readers. Learners. People able to hold a thought. If you are 90% of my visitors: leave now. Please.
We are under mind-controlling influences, most of the time. If you want to have a life not directed by the mind control influences, this article is a must to understand what they do and how they do it.

I also point you to the direction how to use this as your opportunity to become and Expanding Human Being.

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The secret is in the system… No system? No life

The secret is the system… No system? No life.

Unless, of course, you are one of Neal Stephenson’s characters, who rarely set out to do something and do it… They tackle what is thrown at them… Well, I might add…

But you are not one of his characters… and life, without a system, without a clear direction is a life not worth living.
But with some forethought, you can make life predictive, interesting, and good…

Most of what there is to do in a day, most of what moves you towards that ephemeral good life is hard or tedious

Some tasks are hard for me too. Or tedious… And I respond to both hard and tedious with tension. Impatience. Intolerance.

Sitting and watching a video, even if it is a film, but especially if it is a tutorial video, I have about 10-15 minutes that I can suffer it… and then I have to jump up… whole body tight, resistant.

This used to hinder me a lot. I would buy classes and never finish them.

or difficult books… “I can’t take any more of this…”
or doing Starting Point Measurements…
or designing a page
or writing a sales letter

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