Update On The Energized Water And The Attacks… Dark Side, Global Negativity, Tr….

Good news.

Ever since I uttered the magic words to the Creator: “Remove Traces”, my energized water in big bottles has been staying energized. It’s wonderful news. Now I don’t have to throw away hard tea, coffee, glass of water.

As I said in a previous article, the Tr. Energy that I asked Source to create a simile of, and allow me to use made me a target of several energy broadcasts from Tr.? I don’t know. But it marked me and the people I have used the energy on as target for frequent energy transmissions. How? I don’t understand, so don’t ask me to explain it to you. I only know it’s real, because it stopped.

The same energy that is infused in Tr. Water conflicts with my Energizer® and renders the water not just bad tasting, but actually toxic. Once I was in the middle of charging the water, i.e. being connected to All-of-it, hands on the big bottle of water, downloading the Energizer, and the energy transmission attack came at the same time. They met at my nose. I could not smell anything for days. I had horrible inflammation of the mucus membranes in my nose, suddenly.

But it is over, and I am not using that energy any more. It is useful, but it is dangerous.

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Why do some people make millions, but not you?

Why are some people happy, but not you?
Why are some people successful, but not you?

This article could create a turning point for you and your life… By using the method I teach here.
Realizing value is, maybe, the fundamental distinction that is missing.
What does it mean: realize the value of something.

Realize means: make it real. It is a real thing.

For example, a blueprint, the plans of a house have no value. Only when the house is built according to the blueprint does.
An idea has no value. An insight has no value, until it is realized.
So is an activator. It has no value until the person starts doing the activity that it enables.

So is any teaching.

You may have been in a situation where you were in a class with many others. One of those ran with an idea and made a lot of money or made a lot of something with it, while you did nothing.

The difference between people is what they do with what they get.

Taking something from mere words, mere information to something that has value, is a process.

But why don’t you?
You don’t see value. Value is a distinction. Having examples of value doesn’t mean you have the distinction.
Examples do not add up to a distinction.

If you don’t see the value that can be created with a process, you won’t go for it.

Driving is not a value. But driving people where they want to get to, at short notice, in a clean car is. That is the value UBER realizes. They built a system,a process for it, and that is what a company is about. A system for delivering the realized value.
Knowing anything is not value… yet.
Unless the value is realized, i.e. there is a construct to provide it to those who want exactly that value, no value was realized.

Unless you see value, you can’t realize it.

But why wouldn’t see value? The value that can be created for yourself? For the future? With a process?

Seeing value does not equal appreciation. Seeing value is seeing that with a process it can deliver value.

So the seeing value is seeing the potential of something.

Through providing the vehicle. Building if you need to.

Sales presentations, whether they are in writing, audio, or video, talk about the realized value. the potential. And you buy the stuff to get it, not realizing that you need to build the bridge.

A simple example, in a joke, is the dude who prays to his god to let him win the lottery. After years of this, one night, during his prayer, he hears a voice that says: I can only help you win the lottery if you buy a ticket, so will you?
That dude is you.
You want value but you don’t see what it is that YOU need to provide so you can get what you want: that you need to realize the value.

Raw ingredients in the kitchen are unrealized value. They become value when you PREPARE something with them that is enjoyable, nourishing, and EATEN.

But why wouldn’t you see the value that can be created by you? Why can’t you have the vision? That is the question.

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The first signs of an infection by the Dark Side

I first encountered this phenomenon in Israel 30 years ago.

Women kept on saying “Ein li koah…” which translated means “I don’t have (enough) strength, I don’t have (enough) energy.”

I remember being disgusted, appalled at the time. I had never heard anyone say anything like that, not in Hungary, where working around the clock is the norm.
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When you give a new name, it changes your relationship to it

Turning things around… creating a turning point
I have a potential turning point for how I teach and what I teach… I saw it yesterday.

It’s a potential turning point, because I am not sure I can do it. After all I would be teaching something I did not learn myself. So I don’t even know if it is teachable. But at least now I understand what is going on. Why the results are sporadic.

I’ll explain later, after the story… but let’s start with a story, OK?

I’ve been cooking regularly since I was eight or nine years old. Don’t remember the age, I only remember what I screwed up then. So I am a veteran when it comes to cooking.

Something happened a few weeks ago.
I learned a new word.
Aromatics. I knew this word from Organic Chemistry… Yes, I went to school, and yes I learned what they taught. Didn’t you?

Onion, garlic, celery, even carrots… spices, herbs. All aromatics.
Aromatics refer to vegetables and herbs that add flavor and aroma to a dish. When cooked together, these ingredients help create layers of flavor in your food.
Just like with everything, food can be looked at from many different aspects. These aspects are called, at least in this work, DISTINCTIONS.

Aromatics is a distinction. The common denominator, what they all share, is that they release an AROMA when they are cooked.
Aroma is a distinctive, typically but not necessarily a pleasant smell, while in combination it is heavenly

You can look at cuisines through their use of aromatics. You can estimate the sophistication of the country and its culture through that.
Today, instead of learning to cook, learning to use aromatics, people go to a different country’s restaurant… Almost every country’s ‘cuisine’ is boring, flat, hard to enjoy more often than once a week.

Chinese, Tai, Indian… all dishes taste the same after a while.

My cooking, on the other hand, just because of that one distinction, has become explosively more enjoyable over the past few weeks.

Aromatics are like musical notes. You can create pentatone (boring) music with it, or you can create symphonies, musicals, rousing songs of love and loss…

Same with words…

Same with facial expressions…

Or the alphabet… 26 letters, millions of words and combinations.
Information… all the raw material you can work with.
The difference between a five star chef and you is simply the chef has distinctions. At best you can smell and taste the difference between something well prepared or not… But most of you can’t even have that much distinction, let alone doing what the chef does.

Same in every area. Music, literature, acting. No distinctions.

You may have a kitchen without ingredients. You may have access to many ingredients, but don’t have any distinctions of cooking, you’ll put ketchup on everything, or follow a recipe. Repeat the words…

This is what has been happening in my classes: you repeat the words. but there is no substance behind the words.
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Attitude Adjustment – is it easy?

How a simple attitude adjustment has made a big difference I decided, a few weeks ago, to start to take the weekends off… if nothing else, in my mind. It makes a big difference. I still answer emails, and maybe even write an article on Saturday or Sunday.

But the attitude is: I do what I like… it’s my day off… And my favorite things to do are reading, writing, and teaching… so weekends are, now, for the first time in 50 years, for doing what I most like to do… and my experience is that taking time off restores my energy, replenishes my resources… what a difference an attitude adjustment makes… Amazing.

This weekend I also watched some TV series on Netflix…

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