Tag Archives: Check Your Premises

Your success depends on your ACCURATE seeing cause / effect

A disproportionately large percentage of “knowledge” available on the internet is false.

Some of it is intentional propaganda.
But most of it is the result of wrong world view, false beliefs, Tree of Life undigested stuff, accepted as the truth.

So given the amount of crap, it is you who needs to be a “truth seeker”.

Not “The Truth” but truth…
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What is the most important skill you could master?

It’s been one of those days…

Virus attacks on some of my old websites. Lots of updates. Then the computer upgrade I ordered arrived… I was scared… and oops, it didn’t fit my computer. Why? I don’t know. I ordered another one on Amazon, printed the return label… and we shall see.

It’s 1 pm, and for all intents and purposes, I haven’t even started my day. I’ll have appointments in the afternoon, and I could be all whacked out… but I haven’t broken my stride.
It is all in a day’s work, I say… Errors, even virus attacks are par for the course.
The interesting thing is: if I haven’t done the Amish Horse Training Method, I would be pulling my hair out, or would be in bed with a serious case of whatever you call when life goes to shit.

I am hearing the voices. One of them repeats, about every 30 seconds, that I should really kill myself.
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When Life seems to work against you… or does opposite of what you expected

One of my teachers, via Ayn Rand, has been Aristotle.

He taught me one thing. Most people will not teach you much… they will do one thing and one thing only: alter your foundation.

And with regards to foundation altering: Aristotle’s teaching is the most jarring, and the most transformative.

Here is the teaching:

Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think that you are facing a contradiction, check your premises.

If you are doing all the right things and still don’t have your results… that is a contradiction. Check your premises.

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