Tag Archives: life is about creating yourself

What is the difference between “I am” and “I have been”? They both create yourself… but which is the right you?

I wrote this article almost two years ago, and suddenly it became as current as anything…

It is a great companion piece to my article for today –>:

As I am continuing giving long and substantial “strategy sessions” to people, I am learning a lot.

I am seeing stuff that cannot be see through feeling. I am seeing stuff that won’t come through in the Starting Point Measurements, no matter how good a tool muscle testing is. Some things won’t even become clear in a short call…

I love the expression: “in the limited perspective of the human mind” and now I am inclined to add that even inside the human mind, you can look at things through different perception organs… and you’ll see more if you use more than just your favorite.

Most people’s “perception organ” is to turn to, habitually, to what they have already decided. The mind.

This gives you the least true-to-reality perception, obviously.

But my method for the Starting Point Measurements has been limping on one leg as well: Using feelings only. Continue reading What is the difference between “I am” and “I have been”? They both create yourself… but which is the right you?