Tag Archives: rock

Rocks, pebbles, and sand… what is your life organized around?

Some of my students pondered my article from yesterday and asked themselves: why am I not reading?

One found something that may be the reason billions of people don’t read: by the time they would get to reading, they are too tired. They are spent.

The priority they assign to reading is low.

Normal lives are full of stuff to do that some meme says: you must do. Take a shower every day, for example. Many people even wash their hair every day. Read the newspaper. Do your shopping when you need something. Drive your kid to activities.

Cut coupons. Check facebook, your email, chat, watch cat videos.

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I just spent almost four whole days and whole nights in bed, in and out of sleep.

It was new to me to think of myself first, and of “duty” second.

But I have learned, the hard way, that if I don’t take care of myself, I may be dead sooner than I’d like.

Actually it wasn’t hard to stay in bed. This was for me like a vacation… I vacated my mind… Trial death… Nice.

Until last night… that is… when my mind kicked in and instead of letting me sleep, I was writing articles in my head.
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