Stuck? Playing a small game? Waiting for a miracle? Get unstuck using my methods

Some people are motivated (put into motion) by negative emotions, like fear, hate, refusing something with so much energy that it finally puts them in motion: until then they cannot get unstuck.

Other people are motivated by accomplishment, joy, love, freedom, or some other positive event or emotion.

The problem is how to crank up the energy of the emotion, negative or positive, so there is enough energy in it to put you in motion, to get unstuck.

The enemy of any forward movement is complacency, cynicism, resignation. These are real strong energies. If we wanted to express their effect, they are like a ton of weight on the see-saw. If you want to make the see-saw move, you need to pile up the weight on the other side.

Most people leave this to chance, hope that something will move them from dead center to get unstuck.

Other people cause breakdowns to get unstuck.

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