Category Archives: Getting you well

New healing article on the healing blog

I discuss there three recent healing sessions… I wish I had waited a day… Today we used the entire connection call to heal Maria who is making the rounds from doctor to doctor.

It was an amazing call and very useful. If you would like a listen, you can, but I’ll make you pay for it. Literally. Click here to go to paypal to pay for this recording. Please don’t forget to register onto the site after paying: I’d hate to have to do all the work myself… and all the emailing back and forth.
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I have started a new blog, just on the energies and on healing

There is so much that is happening that posting about it simply isn’t a good fit for this blog.

So this morning I started another blog, same look, different content, at

I post there about the energies, about my tests, about my observations, about the healing calls, etc.

If you are one of my regular readers: please check it regularly, I will not send a separate email, I will not notify you, unless I find a way to do that without additional work. OK?

I have two new posts on it: please check it out.
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The fastest way to get better in every area of life…

…or how you are a one-legged person trying to win an ass-kicking contest
I have been experimenting.

I have run two experiments among the many that have brought results I did not expect. Results that told me that I have been one of these one-legged people.
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I woke up this morning happy. A health turnaround…

I woke up this morning happy. WTF? lol

It was so unusual, I actually tried to remember the last time I felt that way upon awakening. I could not find any…

And if I want to be quite, brutally honest, I can’t recall many times when I felt good… physically, emotionally, psychically… Not many.

So waking up happy was an event… worth investigating.
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How do you squash Life Force so you are never really well?

Well Being, Aliveness, Energy, Inspiration, Life Force: How do you squash them so you are never really well?

About 50% of my site’s new visitors come in search of a miracle way to get well.

Another 30% come to find a way to love and the good feelings it gives you. Mostly they were disappointed in Christie Marie Sheldon, the ‘love-or- above’ lady I write about.

The rest come to learn about muscle testing, vibration, and other stuff…
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Consolation vs Transformation, Lobotomy vs Freedom

Consolation vs. Transformation?

This may be the first time you’ll read about anything like this: arm yourself: it won’t be pleasant news.

Most everything that you can get or buy today is consolation. Their function is that you bear being a slave, being a wreck easier. Like Soma in Brave New World.
Health care, mental care, emotional care, all the so-called transformational, energy, healing, meditation programs are all consolation.
What do I mean? If you trapped a lion and kept it in a cage, you would tend to its health, tend to its mood, tend to its mental health, but did not release the lion to live according to its nature, then you would engage in consolation. A lion is only happy when it can live according to its design.

Human being, you, is kept in an environment that keeps you away from your nature. Human being, by design, is an individual: Intelligent, able to intimately connect to its environment and its in-vironment, and this is how it lives a meaningful existence.

This separation of man from its nature has happened in many stages, and today’s man, like today’s zoo-born lion, doesn’t even remember its nature. It is not happy, but it doesn’t know why.

When you return a wild animal into its native environment, it doesn’t know first how to fit in.

It doesn’t know how to hunt for its food, it doesn’t know how to be safe, it doesn’t know how he is supposed to be with other animals. But it will learn, and it will be free.

The human animal, on the other hand, carries their cage in their mind. There is no need for an actual cage, no need for an actual rope, he is more than willing to perpetuate the cage:
the human animal of the twenty first century is the dumbest animal of all.
Elephants, when they are very young, they are tied with a strong rope to a stake in the ground. The stake is strong, the rope is strong, and the young elephant can’t pull it out. Gradually, the keepers swap the strong rope to a weaker rope, and eventually they just have a rope tied around the ankle, no stake, and the elephants don’t run away.

They got taught that the feeling of the rope around their ankle meant that they are not able to run away. If you ask someone if the elephant is dumb, I bet they will say they are, but humans are much dumber, you only need to talk to them, say ‘no’ a few times, and they make their own mental ties that they won’t release even in expensive therapy, courses, hypnosis, what have you.

I have been working with a small group of brave people, to develop and test energetic transformational techniques to ‘surgically’ remove their ties that keep them cowardly, small, anguish ridden, unhappy, and unproductive.
Most people would say that they want to be free, free to be themselves, but when the rubber hits the road, when the moment is near, they cower.
The feeling is much like the lion feels at the moment of its release. The lion had known the safety and certainty of the cage and the daily feedings and discipline.
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What do I mean when I say ‘human design’ or ‘the design’?

What am I saying when I say ‘the design of human being’, or when I say ‘humans are designed to be…’?

Where do I look?

The Old Testament, the Five Books of Moses says that God created Adam to his own image.

Trying to reconstruct god from humans is a tricky proposition.

What we would get is a passive, combative, argumentative avoider… who has more common characteristics with sheep than with someone or something that created worlds.

So that direction of thinking is not going to lead us to what the design must be.
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How to open up the tiny box or your mind you live in

Today’s article will be illustrated differently. I’ll use unrelated funny pictures… like the New Yorker magazine does.

Why? One of the ways I have opened up my tiny box is reading humorists’ take on the world. See the funny in everything. In every single thing.
Another way to open up your small box is to read, watch good movies or TV series from different cultures.
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Paying the piper for a decision my 2-year old self made

My article writing teacher says that the way to write a good article is to have three topics and let people know what they are, ahead of time.

This is the same dude who takes three months of vacation every year… maybe he knows something most don’t, and therefore it is worth listening to him?

So here are the three topics:
1. work-life balance: how the masses are wrong
2. your straitjacket… a detrimental early decision
3. what you eat… how it makes you ill or keeps you well.
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