Men, women, different issues to deal with

Men and women are supposedly the same species, but I have my doubts.

So, as you might have noticed, I often treat them as separate and distinct species.

I am doing this only for the second time: I have decided to have a separate Playground Program for men and women.
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You may wonder why I have it in for women. Do I? Maybe, and maybe not.

You may wonder why I have it in for women. Do I? Maybe, and maybe not.

I think women misunderstand where their real power lies, and therefore they may use – whatever they consider their power – to spread misery, for themselves and for their men.

I am an observer of humanity… not an expert in this arena. If I were and expert, I would know. But I am learning, for you.
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Why no one gets ‘choice’ in the Landmark Forum

It seems everything is a learning curve. Or a ramp-up curve.
In a world where people resist learning anything, the ones that don’t resist are winners. Maybe even THE winners.

One of the things I notice is that when I sign up to a program, or buy a book, an equipment I am excited. Until I get what I paid for. Then I am scared. Hesitant. Now comes the moment of truth.

It’s the 7 in my numerology, I think, trust. Trust in myself, mainly.

I don’t think the issue is limited to 7… Everyone has their own ‘reason’ to not pursue what they thought they wanted. 5’s, for example may have a weak ability to hold a vision of the future…

Whatever is standing between you consistently pursuing what you said you wanted is the most important thing, maybe even the one-thing that you should never forget to attend to.
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Here is a spiritual practice from the Playground that will raise your vibration

I find inspiration in his writing. I find that his vision of me and my life, and what can open up for me is a perfect match about 50 times out of 52 a year.

I am talking about Rob Brezsny.

Is this because he is so talented?

Without trying to make myself look better than Rob Brezsny, if it is true that it is not what happens to you but what you make it mean, what you say about it, then I will take full responsibility for the amazingly perfect match, the inspiration Rob Brezsny’s horoscopes give me.

And if they do the same for you: you should take pride in it. And if they don’t… consider that your creativity is at an all time low… that you can’t see…

Here is today’s example: (My birthday was a week ago, September 4)
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I made a terrifying discovery today: It is true that you create your life. But why?

I made a terrifying discovery today. The discovery has been long time coming, but today, because the circumstances were so different, I could actually see it. This discovery will change the life of thousands! Guaranteed!

They say that you create your life. It sounds so far-fetched that most people would say: why would anyone create misery, poverty, rape, and death, right?

They never explained to me clearly enough, so I don’t even know if they know the REAL dynamic, my hunch is that maybe the first person that said it did, but not the ones that have been repeating this sentence, like parrots.

So, this is what happened: I was preparing to see a client when suddenly a cap from my front tooth fell into the sink and went down the drain.

I promptly called the client to stop him from coming, I wasn’t going to be toothless… just wasn’t going to be.

I caught him, and he thanked me. I found some tools, took the pipe off the bottom of the sink, found the cap, but now the sink is leaking.

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How fast can you raise your vibration? Worth reading again…

There are two main issues (lack of courage and lack of humility) that if you have them, you probably won’t be able to raise your vibration until you overcome these two issues.

To illustrate the first, I’ll use Tai Lopez’s email… Thank you Tai
I had someone ask me the other day “Hey Tai, if you could take one quote from throughout history and make it you life guide, what quote would it be?”

That’s a pretty tough question, because you can use quotes and history as free mentor.

If I had to take one quote and make it my purpose in life, It would be something I read from Alexander the Great. He said “Through every generation of the human race there has been a constant war, a war with fear. Those who have the courage to conquer it are made free, and those who are conquered by it are made to suffer until they have the courage to defeat it or death takes them.”

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Making you smarter by increasing your brain’s neural connections

All thought that does not lead to action, said Goethe, is a disease. It’s like the Dalai Lama’s 3 levels of knowledge: Hear. Comprehend. Do. And do it until it becomes second nature… but not until then.
How is your brain pruning going?
I’ve known a lot if people in my long life. I have spent time with all kinds… Decades in off-color company.

One period I spent my time with gay people, men, in one of the one-time gay playgrounds of the world, Budapest. Party crowd… it was fun. Hard to achieve anything in the world, but fun… mostly.

Some of it wasn’t fun. I was a girl… And I was not gay. So their sex parties weren’t fun for me.

One person I met there was a young male prostitute with thick foundation (makeup) had syphilis. He wore the makeup to cover the lesions on his face.
And this article is interested in that coverup…
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‘My’ amazon best seller is now out and is a best seller

My amazon best seller is out.
The book I co-authored. I paid a thousand bucks to be part of that project.

First it was exciting. There was also fear, ‘am I good enough?’. Then a whole month where my attention was stolen by the topic of the book (The Entrepreneur Code) and every article I wrote, every conversation went to the topic… entrepreneurship.

Then I wrote six different article-length chapters, and discarded them all.

Then the deadline came and I got no notification from the organizers… So I sent an email: when is the deadline? They answered: It’s today, but you can get two more weeks.

That is when I knew, that is when it hit me that I was taking this too seriously.

So I submitted what I had, and said good bye to any expectation that my thousand bucks (YOUR thousand bucks) would bring me any joy, any satisfaction.

The book is out. It is a ‘best seller’ on Amazon… which means nothing. It is by manipulating the numbers. You just ask the 14 ‘authors’ to email their peeps to buy the book. Am I asking you to buy the book right now? No.

The book is listed on my ‘author’s page’ is probably the only thing I got out of this deal. And a lot of people search for my name on Amazon before they decide that I am legit.
I had some learning: It is a business model for the person whose name is on the cover of the book, who collects the thousand dollars.
He might word his model like this:
I publish a series of book that have multiple authors. I decide on the topic, have the cover designed, announce the opportunity to become a ‘best selling author’ for a day to people who aren’t. Post the book with a delayed publishing date on Amazon.
I collect the money. Employ an editor, and wait. The editor puts the ‘chapters’ written by the other ‘authors’ together in kindle format, and I sit pretty in the knowledge that each ‘author’ will promote the book once it is out, or even before that.
That is what creates the ‘best seller’ numbers.
That is that. Not a bad gig if you can get it. About 700 dollars for about 10 hours of work… AND his track record of publishing Amazon best sellers. I talk more about track record a little later.

Kind of a letdown to me.

OK, done. No big deal.

Now, what did I do here?

I was using a technique you can call journaling, where my intention was to create clarity, and to pull to myself, take responsibility for what belongs to me.

I gave myself access to power. My personal power.

To see that I own what belongs to me. That I drive the car that is my life.
And to see that if I do drive that life, then I can take it anywhere.
At some point in the story I had an urge to blame. To call myself a victim of a scam. A con.

But I got what I paid for. I paid to be published as part of a multi-author book that would be a best seller on Amazon.

It is a best-seller right now. And my name is listed there…

Did I make a good deal? I don’t think so.

But was it worth going through the steps
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Is it true that you can attract money to yourself if you match its vibration?

The first question needs to be answered is this: does money have vibration?
And the answer is: no. Neither the pieces of money, bits, bytes, paper or metal… they don’t have any “vibration”… and neither does the idea of money, the concept of money.

The second question that needs to be answered: do YOU have a vibration? And the answer is no, you don’t have “vibration” either.

So what are we talking about when we assign a certain number to a person? We are talking about what they can see accurately, and what attitude they have towards themselves, the world, and other people.

We compare them with the Ideal Man, the godlike being that was predicted in the scriptures… what is possible for a human on a higher level of evolution. A Human BEING.

Now, does your “vibration”, the height matching your personal evolution with the scale of the Ideal Man, have anything to do with money?

Hell yeah. It does.
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Is speed all it’s cracked up to be? Should you read faster?

Here is a little quiz: if you could choose between being gifted with, infused with, have it downloaded to your brain
–a million gigabytes of 2-7% truth value stuff into your mind
–a gigabytes (a million times less data, but through inner processing its truth value would go up to 30% and its use value would go up to 80%)

What would you choose?

Billionaires, I am told, like to read. Some billionaires read a lot.
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