How Bad Do You Want It? Money, Love, Success?

I love this video. I love it for two reasons:

1. the guy speaking is a good match for what he says, in his energy
2. the answer he comes up is at least in the ballpark (neighborhood) of what the true motivator is.

Watch it, it’s a valuable lesson. If your efforts thus far haven’t taken you closer to what you want, then your answer may lie in the missing component.

Now, if you haven’t gone far in the direction of your wants, it would be a good idea to explore what’s in the way, would not you think?

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The purpose of the Reality Challenge is to find your Self

If you ever tried to meditate. If you are a ‘meditator’. And if the idea of meditation brings up bile to your throat… like for me.

OK who else? Oh, those who couldn’t give a shriveled nut for the idea of mediation… so all people…

The only thing meditation wants you to do is to look within. You spend almost all your life looking outward, and have no idea about what is inside.
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I have found a great resource

I am thinking of using Osho’s dynamic meditations to guide people to no-mind. Sneak in a little fun, sneak in physicality, sneak in joy… Instead of the anxiety and seriousness most people relate to the getting-out-of-the-mind issue.

As I was searching to download the music of those great meditations, I found a series of articles and quotes, by Osho, on fake gurus. Here is an article on U.G. Krishnamurti. A few months ago I would not have believed him, but I saw a video on youtube, Krishnamurti on his deathbed, and it was so convincing, that I now believe what Osho says.
Osho Quotes on U G Krishnamurti

Just the other day I was reading a lecture of U. G. Krishnamurti. He says he went to see Ramana Maharshi. He was not attracted — because he was chopping vegetables. Yes, Ramana Maharshi was that kind of man, very ordinary. Chopping vegetables! U. G. Krishnamurti must have gone to see somebody extraordinary sitting on a golden throne or something. Ramana Maharshi just sitting on the floor and chopping vegetables? preparing vegetables for the kitchen! He was very much frustrated.
Then another day he went and saw him reading jokes. Finished for ever! This man knows nothing. This man is very ordinary. He left the ashram; it was not worth it. But I would like to say to you: this man, Ramana Maharshi, is one of the greatest Buddhas ever born to the world. That was his Buddhahood in action!

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How realistic are your expectations? of yourself, your life

I wrote this article about ten years ago.

Since then I have done a lot of work in the area of intelligence. This article is a lot more mainstream (meaning: wrong) than I like it, so I am in the middle of writing yet another article.

The new article will take out the mystery, why you aren’t able to accomplish what is within your power to accomplish… And what to do so that you can.
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