Tag Archives: 10000 hours

Principles… are you fighting a train for the right of way at a railway crossing: you can only lose

I woke up at 3 am with a start from a deep dream about principles spinning so hard that I could only follow them with full concentration…

I stared into the dark for a few minutes still seeing the images of the principles, and I got the words that go with the images:
Principles are like oncoming trains… you can’t fight them unless you want to crash your life.
I talk a lot about connecting the dots… and most don’t know what I am talking about. Connecting the dots is a highly intellectual activity based on SEEING that things are connected by more than just similarity: by invisible cords…

Most of Tai Lopez’s talks, especially the 67 Steps Program, are about deserving, Earning, Being, becoming an initiate into the secrets of the Universe.
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