Tag Archives: communication

A new way of looking at vibration, what it really measures

I’ve always considered vibration the height from where you look from, the height from where you experience what is happening, what happened, and what will happen.

And you act consistent with what you see from where you look from. From the basement, from the street level, the second floor, the penthouse level.
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What does it take to communicate? Not just talk?

What separates humans from other species, yes even from the dolphins, is language. But dolphins do communicate! WTF?

So we have language. Language that hasn’t evolved, let’s say, for tens of thousands of years.

Language is the visible tool of communication.

We have language. And yet we know nothing about communicating. Yes, we talk. Talk a lot. But we don’t communicate.

What is missing for communication to happen is in the invisible.
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What is inspiration? A movie to inspire you to go beyond

Inspiration… inspired… inspirable…

What do these words mean?

The spirit within: inside-spirit

I measure how much the spirit is active within you… and how much, on the current vibrational level, the current integrity level, the current about-me level, the spirit can be aroused.

You cannot be more inspiring that you can be inspired.

The number one communication tool you have available, creating a vision in another person, about themselves, about a project, about the future.

When you can create a vision and communicate it to yourself or to another, all upsets disappear, and you have the amazing result: the person (you?) wants to do what is consistent with that vision… which is what you would want them to do. Continue reading What is inspiration? A movie to inspire you to go beyond

Not as successful as you would like to be?

What prevents you from growing, what prevents you from becoming all you can become?

Ambition is what makes people grow, ambition is what makes people accomplish things that are not easy.

But ambition is kept in check… as I said above, by desire that everybody says is good for you… Bah humbug.

Let’s see what the words actually mean before we continue.

Ambition is directing your motive power, your inner motive power towards the accomplishment of something: learning, building, mastering. In my view, the beingness view: ambition is the willingness to go/do for what you want. Continue reading Not as successful as you would like to be?