Tag Archives: cone of vision

You are convinced that you are smarter than me…

I have been holding off on delivering the promised READING class… Why?

There are so many factors that control how much you can do with the instructions I give you, that it is hard to know what I can teach to make a difference…

When you read my articles, when you listen to me (or to anyone else, by the way!) you think that you got 100%, and you maybe even think that you are smarter than me… OK, it’s not a maybe. You think you are smarter than me. And that you know everything.
How do I know you think you are smarter than me?
From your questions, from your requests.

Here is what you do that gives it away:

You ask me to muscle test things… but never ask me a question that would bring some clarity into your thinking. What got you where you are is the quality of your knowledge, the quality of your thinking. All within your power… but you accept and ask for no input from me… because, you know, she is just an empath, a tool.
So what makes one smarter than another?

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I am working on a new definition of intelligence.

I am working on a new definition of intelligence.

A definition that gives someone access to growing it. What we have now is, essentially, ‘do well on the IQ test…’ which is not really useful.

So here is the first aspect that is definitely growable, and measurable:
Intelligence is how much you see of reality, accurately.
You see, you, me, anyone, only sees a fragment of reality at any point… for many reasons of which I’ll distinguish for you a few, so you can get some power… as far as growing your intelligence goes.

1. your cone of vision
2. the strength of your concern… for whatever
3. your about-me score

So if it is one of the most important elements of intelligence how much of reality you actually see and you see accurately, then you should get intensely curious what limits the size of reality you see… and then get curious to see what limits what you see accurately.

When I muscletest, this (how much of reality you see and how much of it accurately) is 91% of all what intelligence measures… and if you can get these numbers higher, you’ll be outstanding in the low intelligence environment everyone lives in.

The average intelligence has dropped from 100 to 70 in the past few years, most of it since Trump’s running for president and his presidency.

With Trump the world became divided. And when people are divided, their intelligence is limited, because suddenly they are only interested and therefore only see what proves their choice right. (concern)

No matter which side you are on, you fell victim to this.

The only way to stay outside of this intelligence lowering trend is to take no sides. It doesn’t matter who wins, neither sides are right… because they all engage in the binary way to look at the world, and the world is not binary… it is very multifaceted. (accuracy)

But even if you stay outside of ‘political’ views, how you view the world and yourself can be still systemic… good/bad, right/wrong.

As long as you spend most of your time on the systemic judgment level, you are not able to be intelligent… you look at the world as if the whole world were in that deep ditch you live in… and you can’t see anything outside of it.

I teach how to expand your ditch… (the pendulum method) but to date no one has followed my guidance… I guess you decided that I was wrong. Or that you can’t. Or whatever bs you decided… you still live there, in that narrow ditch.

Quickly let’s test if you live there: when I say my IQ is 170 and yours is, let’s say 100… what do you think I am saying? If you say that I am saying that I am better than you, then you live in this ditch of binary worldview.

And at this point, every single student or client of mine lives there… with almost 100% of the rest of the world. A handful of exception, so few people they don’t even move the needle.

I have found an amazing couple who don’t live there… Alex and Leila Hormozi… none of the coaches I actually pay
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Seeing Wide and Far plus seeing Reality is the key to the Kingdom

This are the rarest human qualities, rarest capacities of all. They require high level of consciousness… that is why.

Of course no one is high consciousness or low consciousness… we are all on a scale of consciousness.

For example I discovered, doing the experiment with the candy yesterday, through glimpses of my behavior and thoughts, that side by side the high vibration, high consciousness person there are remnants of callousness (showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others, cold hearted, unfeeling) that I wasn’t aware of. It includes me, it includes my health, it includes everyone.

I woke up at 3 am from a nightmare… a tiger was licking my dog (I don’t actually have a dog, I have never had one) before it would eat it, and it was all my fault… I was scrambling for some weapon, until I stumbled onto a rake, and stabbed the tiger with it and it let go of the poor dog.
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Your physical brain and your IQ: can you get smarter?

Yesterday one of my long time students surprised me with sending me a ‘meme’ that had a quote from one of my articles.

No coincidences in the world… if you have a wide enough cone of vision you’ll know that.

We’ll explore the drama that is hidden in this sentence. Because there is drama, oftentimes tragedy there.
Sidenote: As I was looking for suitable images for this article, I was struck by the overwhelming confusion about intelligence, the brain’s role in it, meditation, and brain exercises. Most of what is written is horsh!t… truth value: 0%. 

1. So I’ll being with the word coincidence… coincidence means two things happen that are not connected… (a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.)

Someone is born on 9/11… the same day airplanes are flown into buildings… and people die. The two events are not connected.

Human nature looks for connections. Human nature is to look in the mind for connections. Not in reality, in the mind, where only the meanings live. None of the actual happenings live in the mind, only the story you made up about it.
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Change your view… change your life

If transformation is due to the change in what you see then the most important thing to change is your view.

Your view of anything is what you actually see without resistance. Mostly a tiny bit of what is there… and you base your whole world view on that tiny bit.

Your language, your behavior, your facial expression can reveal the your view of self you are trying to hide.

Your language, the words you use, your tone of voice, reveals your inner coherence, and all the unreality you consider reality, your attitude, your haughtiness, your delusion… everything.
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What prevents you from getting what you want?

When things don’t work, there is something that you don’t know.

One of the capacities an architect needs to possess if they want to be a good architect is being able to move their attention at will, and to widen and narrow their field of vision at will.

Interestingly, these are the capacities that are needed for a lot of professions, CPA, business leader, politician, scientist, movie maker, coach, and, although it is not a profession, for someone who wants to get out of the morass of the human condition, and onto the vertical plane of clarity, joy, fulfillment.

I won’t explain why you need these capacities for the professions although I could.

Because the business I am in is taking people to the vertical plane, so I am interested in people practicing, using these capacities.

‘Enlightenment’ is the word other people use for what I am attempting to do here. Continue reading What prevents you from getting what you want?