Tag Archives: happiness

What made me happy, happy enough to want to live

If, and when you manage to get out from behind your own eyeballs, you make someone happy… what just happened?

I have been alive for 75 years. I have experienced being made happy, made proud, only a few times.

What makes anyone happy is when what they do is acknowledged as useful. When they find that they were instrumental is someone else’s success, or happiness.

Not what you thought?
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Why is meaning missing from your life? A meaningless life means you are unhappy

My methodology to lead you to become a human being is simple, and step by step.

First you become conscious of the machine and start taking control over your own life… by the Amish Horse Training Method, The memes finding, The A is A. And then fourth and final step is finding/creating the wind you walk into… The purpose. The meaning.

In the Nazi concentration camps, people who had a meaning to their lives, survived, people who didn’t… died. The guy who I learned this from is Victor Frankl, an Austrian Jew, like Sigmund Freud, and not much less significant. In my experience his discovery is the golden key to a happy existence.
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Happiness? Unhappiness? What is underneath of it all?

I am going to go off on the Bach energy Vine… yet again. Are you unhappy yet?

But before I do that, let me bore you a little more… and do a little vocabulary lesson.

If you get it, your chances for happiness increase ten-fold. If you don’t… ahem… you know what will happen.

The word occur or occurrence… is misused in the English language… It does NOT mean: happen. Happen is another word…

Occur means: present itself TO someone.

Lots of things can happen, but a lot fewer occur… i.e. the tree falling in the forest happens, but it only occurs if there is an observer.
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The tyranny of the pursuit of happiness

More books are sold on happiness than maybe even on dieting… especially because 98% diet books’ hidden attraction is happiness.

Weird, eh?

I have read my share of the books on happiness, of all kinds of psychologies, philosophies, and just inane silliness in articles, TED talks, youtube videos…

In my humble opinion no one is willing to shout out that the emperor is naked. that our desire for happiness is what causes this sea of unhappiness we are all swimming in.
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How to fall in love with yourself… the narrow and strait path to happiness

Why? Why would you want to love yourself?

When you love yourself: you love your life. And that is the closest we know to be a happy person.

And you want to be happy, right? It feels like your birthright. Even though I can’t specifically point at anyone who is happy… it IS your birthright.

Birthright or not birthright, we all want to be happy… even though no one has been able to explain how to become happy… so it seems that it will remain a desire… never to be fulfilled. Hope and hopeless… or resigned is our dominant state.

The closest experience to happiness is contentment, with life, with yourself.

When you love yourself you love your life… but how could you?

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