Tag Archives: New World Order

The New World Order: How It Sneaks Up On You

You know I am a movie lover: every movie teaches me something it never intended to teach… it was an unconscious motivator of the movie makers… and this is what I want to talk to you about today.

First, before you start thinking about Hollywood movies and other cliches, I am going to talk about foreign movies. That is where you are going to see, clear as the sun, how this insidious and unstoppable (?) “trend” goes towards The New World Order: the uniform slavery of all peoples of the planet under the thumbs of a handful (5) few.

There have been a quite a few movies, Israeli, a German Jewish Movie, a Turkish, and a Hungarian movie.

Let’s start with the Israeli movies. Israeli Jewish movies.

Jews have been the scapegoats of society for about 3400 years.

Suddenly, out of the “blue” everyone knew that the Jews are responsible for all the troubles of all peoples. Draught: it must have been the Jews. Epidemic? it’s the Jews fault. Poverty, obviously the Jews had something to do with it.

Anastasia from the Ringing Cedars series says that it was a man-made phenomenon: the priests of Egypt picked the Jews for the “job”.

So, here we are 3400 years later, and the Jews are better at hating themselves than even Hitler hated them.

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Who is the enemy? What is the enemy? How we are duped into being willing sheep and flaccid puppets…

I have known that we are sheep… I can see it. Everywhere.

Thinking is not taught, not encouraged, only having thoughts.

Critical thinking isn’t what gets you promoted in corporations, and besides, who has time for that with the television on 24/7.

I spoke with a guy today who puts a micro speaker under his mattress and it blasts music all night, lest he would have a moment of quiet to face himself and his shadow side.

The new world order, compared to it the “Brave New World” or “1984” or “The Matrix” were nothing like a fantasy…

The only question is, are there enough people that care… or humanity has really degraded itself and have given its aspirations up for greatness and accepted, like sheep, slavery.

Watch this documentary below and let me know if the New Humanity could count on you… or if getting off is the best choice… Please. Comment anonymously, I don’t mind. Just speak up. Let me know what to expect. OK?

Please comment below. if you want to be anonymous, just write instead of your real name, anonymous. Use a real email, that is not public.
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How you can get back Your Harmony, Flow And Grace

How You Lost Your Harmony, Flow And Grace

If You Have Lost Them, How To Get Them Back
What is this article about?
It is about how the mind is an aberration, how it is like a cancer, how it enrolls you, makes you lose your harmony, flow and grace

This article will need me to distinguish a few things, for you.

Please bear with me: it will be worth it.
First distinction: Tree of Knowledge.
Tree of Knowledge is a personal phenomenon: if you heard it, learned from another, and it wasn’t your personal experience, any such knowledge is Tree of Knowledge.

This doesn’t mean it is not true, it only means that you don’t know what you think you know. You heard that. Your mind accepted it as true. But Tree of Knowledge will not influence how you are, because there was no learning process, training process.
Second distinction: Your purpose in life
I invented a purpose for my life some 20 years ago, in a seminar called Integrity.

The process they used was unique, maybe a little off the wall, but it worked really well for me.

The assignment was: observe your life and locate a recurring event or phenomenon that you really can’t stand. Turned it on its head and make a purpose of it for your life.

Some people are always disappointed that all their efforts don’t produce results and no matter how much they effort, however right they are, however perfectly they do what they do, they tend to end up empty handed.
Others are givers. Give advice, give favors, but somehow no one appreciates them and they are lonely and miserable in the end.
Yet another may go along, unsuspecting, and always crash and burn…

I used to be one of this third group.
Somehow I always went too close to the edge, in business, in relationship, in my health. I went to the edge and crashed and burned. I had to start it all over again.

So I would move from one country to the other, one state to the other, one business to another, with just one suitcase, and be homeless for a while, starve, build something respectable, maybe even magnificent, crash and burn and start again. Got it?

Instead of worrying about the why, even worrying about the how, this exercise asked me to turn it upside down. It didn’t tell me to ask whose fault it is. It didn’t ask me to fix myself or the world. Also, it didn’t ask what is wrong with you? No. It simply said:
Turn it around and make it your life’s purpose.
Makes sense? Not really. Why?
Because the mind doesn’t like it.
I have facilitated this exercise with about a hundred people, and although their mind was fighting it tooth and nail, each ended up with a purpose statement that was an excellent backbone, an excellent context for a life that is fun, creative, and forward moving.

The sentence I came up with, for myself, is this:
‘Living on the edge, generating distinctions of transformation for humankind.’
As you see, I did not change the habit of living on the edge. I just added a ‘to what end?’, a meaning to
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