Tag Archives: Personal Vibration

Worlds Apart: the two basic world views every world view belongs to… Part 1: Dolores Cannon review

I have a funny inner GPS, and yesterday it spoke funny. I was sitting in front of my computer minding my own business. Then I suddenly had this think little voice from inside plead: “Please just tell me what to do… and I’ll do it.”

I sat motionless for a long time. I have never heard a voice from inside me be so meek, so moocher-like, so pleading. Ever. It was so not-like-me, that I considered that it may be real.

I contemplated to write an article about it. But before I’d do it, I decided to run it by my trusted Activate Divinity class, to get a perspective on it. It is like WTF is happening to me?

The class, judging from the silence and the emotional response, was very familiar with the voice and the feeling. This is what they hear all the time. Hm.

I muscle tested and it wasn’t my voice.

Anyway, later in the day I got an email from a student with a link: “go listen to this interview, she says exactly what you say…” So, uncharacteristically, I did go and did listen to the interview.

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Interesting new vibrational reviews, Carlos Castaneda, Mantak Chia, and some pseudonames

Machaelle Small Wright author of “Behaving as if the God in All Life Mattered” First off, when I asked to connect to Machaella, there was no such person. Then I asked to connect to the author of the book above, and then I connected. The author seems to be a man. WTF? This has never happened to me… personal vibration: 180. Truth value: 170. The whole ouvre vibration: 200

Mantak Chia is a Taoist Master. He is best known for his teaching Taoist practices under the names of Healing Tao, Tao Yoga, Universal Healing Tao System and Qigong. Personal vibration: 240. Deep seated fear

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Vibrational Reviews: Lola Jones, Kimberly McGeorge, and more

Lola Jones (DivineOpenings). Personal vibration: 200; truth value of teachings: 200Update 1/7/2015: Personal vibration: 170. Truth value of teachings: 1%… meaning: 99% is either b.s. or Tree of Knowledge.A reader asked about the 5-day silent retreat: here is what I found: vibration of the retreat: 140.  It is a nice way to spend five days, but the results are non-existent and non-lasting. Why? because the person and who she attracts are not really interested in doing the real work, and don’t have high enough vibration to do the real work.Enough said.
Dr. Kimberly McGeorge, ND, CNH – Access Consciousness …personal vibration: 170

Brent Phillips THETA healing using the muscles and mind. personal vibration: 180

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Vibrational Reviews: Dr Yuen, Adi Da, Family Constellation, Flora Peterson

Vibrational Reviews:

The Yuen Method: Dr. Yuen personal vibration: 200; method vibration (truth value) 210. Does he use energy to use his work? no. Is he a fraud? no. Is the method trainable? no. Is he connected to Source? yes. Is HE doing the work? no. Is Source doing the work? yes. His method of connecting is going within. His center of connection is in the chest (not heart). Can I do what he does? No. Could I learn what he does? yes. Dr Yuen is plagued with unbearable anguish.

Flora Peterson intuitive energy reader and space clearer: personal vibration: 210. Success rate (percentage of cases in which she really connects to you): 30%

Adi Da Samraj (www.adidam.org/
Adidam is devoted to Avatar Adi Da Samraj, His Spiritual Teaching and His Gift of Perfect Divine Enlightenment.) Adi Da Samraj (November 3, 1939 – November 27, 2008), born Franklin Albert Jones in Queens, New York, was a spiritual teacher, writer and artist… Personal vibration: 190. (much anguish). Teachings truth value: 200

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Vibrational Review: Gabrielle Bernstein, author of ‘May Cause Miracles’, ‘Spirit Junkie’

Personal vibration: 200
Truth value of teaching: 7%
Course of Miracles truth value: 10%
My personal take on it: socially and politically correct drivel… talking about it. Her hook is the word “miracle” or “miracles” and who she hooks with is the hopeful, the people with their hands out, the unconscious. Very much in harmonious sync with the Christian women believers. If you are one, you’ll love it. Drama Queen extraordinaire

Let me measure your vibration?
Click on the link to request a vibrational reading…
The Map of Consciousness will show you what it means.
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Vibrational Review: David Morelli: Enwaken course for coaches, Everything is Energy… blah blah blah

I am writing this review because people are searching for it on this site, so here you have it.

David Morelli, coach to the wannabe coaches, I guess. His personal vibration is 210. Spends 80% of his time in the mind. His dominant emotion is trepidation: a searing pain in the upper chest area and the throat: his voice also gives it away.

His students love him, enjoy his programs, according to the videos I have seen. The average vibration of his students is 180.

Let me measure your vibration?Click on the link to request a vibrational reading…The Map of Consciousness will show you what it means.
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Vibrational Review: Mamtamai Shri Radhe Guru Maa – a fake?

Indian “guru” living in India. Lives in a palace in exquisite riches, if the Indian TV can be trusted about things like this.

Personal vibration: 170
Other vibrational details: lives in her mind, identifies herself with the mind 70% of the time… (ideal is 10% or less)
Dominant feeling (she is sleeping as I am doing this review): guilt and shame Indication that she considers herself a fake, an exploiter of human misery.

When in satsang (no speaking just her presence) her most dominant desires are to be pretty and nice.

Being in the presence of a person who is in the present, out of their mind, is elevating the non-elevated, but being in the presence of this person, will do nothing for you.

Let me measure your vibration?
Click on the link to request a vibrational reading…
The Map of Consciousness will show you what it means.
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