Category Archives: self-realization

Happiness, the good life, lies on the other side of a paradigm shift

One of the most telling measurements in my Starting Point Measurements is the number of spiritual capacities you have active in your DNA.

The world, humanity’s average score on that measurement is 0.4. My students’ is 0.6.

Why is that a telling measurement, Sophie? you should ask, but you don’t.

OK, let me explain even though no one is asking. Spiritual capacities are DNA capacities that only open when they are needed to get work done with them.

Some work cannot be done well, some things cannot be performed well, some things cannot be seen accurately or at all without one or more capacities.
Example: A medical doctor cannot diagnose well,

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From Que Sera Sera, a meandering path to no regrets

I left Hungary 37 years ago. And yet, when I hum, half of the songs are Hungarian, from before I left there.

I trust that when a song pops into my head, it is some kind of guidance. So when the song that was somehow related to the Counter-revolution in 1956, Que sera sera sung in Hungarian, when that song popped into my mind, I said to myself: pay attention. What is it saying?

I was nine years old at the time, and I was puzzled why the song would be put on the black list… I still can’t see why.

I am doing a little research on google.
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Why unconditional “love” is damaging, and why setting conditions is healthy… even loving?

My new 20-day skill learning challenge is to listen and internalize 20 videos by Hungarian, now dead, psychologist, Peter Popper.
Why am I doing this challenge? What will this give me?
I am self-taught… or more precisely: I have an education that is hodge podge, eclectic: I gathered knowledge from all over the place, and I have gaping holes, that until this day I had no idea where to fill or how.

The gaping holes are so big, that some of my students could slip through: Whatever I knew didn’t help them to become all they can become.

With that said, I listened to a Dr. Popper masterclass on youtube, sadly, it is in Hungarian, with subtitles that you need to set to your own language…

Dr Popper’s masterclasses, a whole lot of them, have 60% truth value, 30% of what he says fills in my gaping holes.
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Of all the programs for transformation I have ever lead…

Of all the programs for transformation I have ever lead… and I am not talking about programs that were energy supported, like the 2nd phase activators, and many others that were mostly about activation…

Of all the programs I have ever lead the most effective in terms of personal transformation, it was the Soaring Method…

I am sharing what I learned from leading that course… quite significant.
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What makes you who you are today?

The obvious answers are that it is your past that makes you who you are. What happened to you. What was your education, your upbringing, your genes, your environment.

And all that seems to make you who you are today, and if you are anything like the people I deal with, day in and day out, you are not happy with who you are, how you are.

Why? How you are doesn’t get you the life you have always wanted, the accomplishments, the joy, the intimacy, the love, the care you wanted.

Is how you are really who you are? No, not at all. Nobody is. Or nobody is fully authentic.

You are is put together, while who you are is diligently covered up. Continue reading What makes you who you are today?

Kabbalists say: the bible is code. They, of course, mean: the Old Testament, the 5 books of Moses

Kabbalists say: the bible is code. They, of course, mean: the Old Testament, the 5 books of Moses.

If the Bible is code, then it is not a story… or if there is a story there, it is itself code: meaning an illustration of a principle.

Egypt stands for slavery. Slavery to whatever people are a slave to: riches, significance, sex, entertainment, desire to receive for the self alone, their racket, the racket with which they extort goodies from others, justify their nastiness, their domination, their haplessness.

Extorting sympathy, or whatever they extort.

So what did Moses do with this bunch of slaves? Continue reading Kabbalists say: the bible is code. They, of course, mean: the Old Testament, the 5 books of Moses

What is the difference between “I am” and “I have been”? They both create yourself… but which is the right you?

I wrote this article almost two years ago, and suddenly it became as current as anything…

It is a great companion piece to my article for today –>:

As I am continuing giving long and substantial “strategy sessions” to people, I am learning a lot.

I am seeing stuff that cannot be see through feeling. I am seeing stuff that won’t come through in the Starting Point Measurements, no matter how good a tool muscle testing is. Some things won’t even become clear in a short call…

I love the expression: “in the limited perspective of the human mind” and now I am inclined to add that even inside the human mind, you can look at things through different perception organs… and you’ll see more if you use more than just your favorite.

Most people’s “perception organ” is to turn to, habitually, to what they have already decided. The mind.

This gives you the least true-to-reality perception, obviously.

But my method for the Starting Point Measurements has been limping on one leg as well: Using feelings only. Continue reading What is the difference between “I am” and “I have been”? They both create yourself… but which is the right you?