I used to think that when you are an avatar, when you are a change-agent, people find you lovely and are attracted to you. I wanted that. I haven’t had a lot of “being liked” experiences.
I used to think that. Never thought that being of high vibration can create bad feeling in people’s hearts.
Don’t misunderstand me, I knew of historical facts, but I never connected them with the fact that the person was high vibration.
Until yesterday.
I knew what really beautiful women share: that they are mostly alone. That people are afraid to approach them. But I am not really beautiful, so I didn’t think it applied to me.
But yesterday drove it all home for me.
I have prepared a list of the fragments I have discovered, fragments of the self. My self…
What am I talking about?
When you are born you are born whole and complete, unless you had an unfortunate in-the-womb experience, and a good 10% of babies have had. I did… in that incident I left 6% or my original self… a fragment of my self.