Spiritual Practice: ask What is it that I am not seeing? It gets you out of the mind

Most things that hide in plain sight are crucial to your success in life. You may be staring at them, but like a color blind person looking at the colored dots that hide the number… you cannot see.

Between you and me: you probably have never asked yourself “What is it I am not seeing?” have you?

Why don’t you ask, why don’t you don’t look?

If you think that you know everything: you won’t look.
If you think you see clearly what’s in front of you… you won’t look.

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Am I a healer because I seem to be healing certain things?

I refuse to be categorized as a healer. I have energies, I have knowledge, I have empathic “sight”, I can “diagnose”, not legally but factually, I can recommend… but I am not a healer… and yet.

Almost 30 years ago I was in a program called “Emotions Anonymous”, a 12-step program. I wanted to deal with my anger. My anger came out in really threatening ways, sending both myself and others towards the hills…

It was, on one hand, a learned behavior… both my parents had a difficult time handling their anger towards me…

One of the participants in the group was Hungarian, and very miserable. I visited him one afternoon. His place was up to knee deep in newspapers, every room, the garage, the kitchen, every inch except for a two foot wide path to crucial places.

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The end of having to fix what’s wrong is nigh

Why wouldn’t we want to fix what’s wrong?
Because nothing is wrong. It is what it is, it is how it is, and it is just a phase, it is just a place, it is just how it is, for now.

I am sure you are asking yourself: has she finally gone completely insane?

But I have always been like this… because this is the only place where you can be happy, growing, doing what you want to do… when nothing is wrong.
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Dictionary meaning: a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen

What the dictionary doesn’t say is that you are not willing or not able to do anything to make that desire materialize. You expect it to come to you without you doing anything… anything at all.

Imaginations, visualizations, mind movies, vision boards… these are your tools… NOT earning what you want.
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Dictionary meaning: a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work

As you can see, this is the polar opposite of desire… the emphasis is on doing, achieving, hard work… Rare. Most people I measure have an ambition score of 1… and rarely I see higher than 10.

The higher your delusion number, the lower your ambition number… delusion tells you it’s coming… it’s coming… it’s coming.
Because you deserve it…
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What’s missing that in spite of all you do, you get nothing?

You get nothing of what you really want…

Everyone tells you to be productive. Get up at the crack of dawn or before, and work work work.

And many do, getting a diabetes diagnosis, or dropping dead, or having to introduce themselves to their kids at their graduation or they would not recognize them.

But maybe that is not the purpose of life.
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Shall I become popular, or shall I choose to do the work

Shall I become popular, or shall I choose to do the work no one else can do but needs to be done? You either do one or the other…

I am still looking at how to become an influencer…

It’s not really my ambition… I am much more comfortable doing my thing and barely be noticed. But it seems that in today’s day and age, unless you do a lot of hoopla, loud, self-promotion, partnering up with high visibility people, and other fashionable strategies, becoming an influencer is impossible.
I am still looking if I really want to become an influencer or not.
I learned about becoming an influencer from Tai’s free video on trend stacking.


A trend is, in this context, something that is becoming a fashion more and more. Something that has reached the masses and now they are jumping on the bandwagon. Popular…

My body is responding to this idea with massive indication that this is not my path. And yet…

And yet… increasing my sphere of influence, even just doubling it would mean I can work with more people.

Judging from the past, each additional 100 people deliver, on average, one person who can and is willing to do the work to become worth a damn.
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Your life and principles… Ask: To what end? What life you want to have had on your deathbed?

This article is stream of consciousness… I apologize for that.

Principles are tricky. Depending on your level of vibration, on the size of your cone of vision, on the number and size of patterns you can see, you’ll translate the principle down to your size.

A principle says something to me, and another thing to you.

And yet, being guided by principles, your results in life will be happier than if you choose to live your life from vague longings, goals, or following how the ones went before you lived their lives.
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Black Friday… and what is at the root of your misery?

I am pretty tolerant. In some ways I am really easy going… Except…

My soul correction (34) has a big issue with trusting… and I have a really big problem with trusting if and when you are trying to pull one on me… pull the wool over my eyes, try to fake me out… how many different way shall I use

I cringe. My self-concern kicks is… and as you know…
Self-concern is probably the only reason you are miserable when you are miserable.

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Make your plane go where you want it to go… or what one thing you want to learn from Babe Ruth

Make your plane go where you want it to go…

This is probably the most shocking sentence in the whole 67 step program.

I literally don’t know anyone who lives that way.

People try to succeed, try a diet, try this and try that… while their plane crashes in every area.

So what is the difference between who are like that, who are on their way to become that kind of person, and others who never ever land their plane on the landing strip?
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