Are you stuck with who you are? Watch this video and decide it for yourself…

This is the story of the character played by Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie, Catch Me If You Can. Fascinating, entertaining, educational, and made me weep. Watch it. It’s 36 minutes of educating fun.

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Avoidance of success… It’s a pitfall to avoid

Avoidance of success… but it is more natural than you think.

It sounds nonsensical that you would fear success, but most likely you do.

That fear comes from unclarity.

Success feels daunting, it feels like a big freakin’ should.

It has happened to my clients. Someone was doing quite well. became the top of the class, and bam, dropped it all, and dropped below the level they were at when they started.
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How Finding Out What’s Wrong With You Is The Ticket To Peace of Mind, Grace and Ease and Power

I am sitting here with tears in my eyes. Not tears of gratitude, not tears of joy. Just tears.

Most people teach from their mind. Most people teach from the Tree of Knowledge.

Tree of Knowledge, simply, means speaking from what you already know, what you store in your memory.

A “real” teacher is different, and very very rare.

A real teacher is always a student. And as student learn with all the people they teach, at the same time. Not what you would think: they are also taking course, they also have teachers. That is not what I mean. That doesn’t make them real teachers.

A real teacher, like me, learn as they speak.

How is that possible? It’s possible because I do not speak from my mind. I speak from the nothing (space) behind my mind. From the space of mystery, from the space that cannot be known.

That is why I am so nervous, anxious, stiff as a board before I approach a new topic. I have no idea what I am going to say.

This was, exactly, the case yesterday when I lead my first Brilliance at Will class. Looking back, I was exactly as agitated, nervous, stressed out as I used to be, every time, I was going to do the Landmark Forum. I did that course 20 times, but it was always from the mystery: what am I going to find out about myself now?

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What are the most typical signs of low or no intelligence?

What are the most typical signs of stupid… aka low or no intelligence?

First off, what do I consider intelligent?

Intelligent, if you look, has a certain appropriateness. Flow. Fitting. Maybe even elegance. Maybe even grace and ease. Workability. Life working.

Nowadays we hear a lot about AI, artificial intelligence chatbots. Notice that they don’t call it artificial smarts… It’s intelligence.
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Why are you stuck in a low vibration consciousness? Is there a way to catapult you to a higher one?

Every Sunday at 9 am I talk to the same guy. We’ve been mastermind partners since we did Pam Ragland’s course together in 2007. I have gone from wherever I was then, forceful and quite miserable, to who I am today: fully immersed in my life’s work: causing the seed of new humanity. (from a vibration of 200 to 990) He stayed the same. (Was 200 then, is 200 now.)

He started with an email he received that lead him to some interesting videos. Videos by David Cameron Gikanti… a “spiritual” money teacher. (It’s all about money for my friend, you’ll see later why…) I muscle tested Gikanti at 300… a little low for a spiritual teacher, don’t you think?

Many of our calls start the same way: he sends me to a video, or guru, or program… mostly AFTER he buys it.

The inner mechanism of why he stayed the same is clearly expressed in this conversation: his only act regarding his spiritual development is spending the money on this stuff. Maybe watch or listen, never any doing.

I am a good sport, so I watched the videos of David Gikanti. If you are attracted to them, please listen up. If you are not attracted to them, many people you know do, so please listen up.

David Gikanti panders to the wishful thinker crowd. Much like the paradigm jumping guy, or the remote viewer guy, won’t mention names now.

What does the wishful thinker “thinks?”

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What does it do to you that you think you are smart?

I woke up too early again this morning. 2:30. The question was: shall I get up? Will I have a good day?

I muscletested and muscletest says: get up… but in the end I went back to bed… And I had this insight:

All questions, is this good, is this bad, shall I do this?, shall I do that? are all a variation of should…

All are signs of not willing to take responsibility of how life turns out.
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The Nine Phases Of Creation: The Next Phase Is The Phase Of Being One

Here are two videos.

Your assignment is to evaluate which is from a higher consciousness. Also, which one resonates with you more. It will provide you useful self-knowledge… that will be explained in my next post.

David Gikandi’s Nine level of consciousness:

and here is Johan Oldenkamp’s Nine Levels of Creation

Share your insight, if you would. I am really curious.
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There are fixers and there are are creators. Producers.

If you look fixers want to fix the world. You, me, things. Everything. They are most people. The campaigners, the reddit, twitter, etc posters… They want to fix you, and they want to fix the world.


Because it is not the way they want you to be, they want me to be, things to be.

They are never happy, they are never fulfilled. They just complain, and label, and go around telling you, me, things, the world how we should be.
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If you don’t get it… If they don’t get it. A movie to the rescue: demonstrating paradigms

I have been talking, talking, and I don’t think I am being gotten.

I make people raise their hands on calls when they got what I said, and I can feel that they are lying, some of them, when they raise their hands.

Why? Because getting it something is not the same as memorizing it.

So here is am, 720 articles and 50 weeks worth of webinars later. And as usual, I am playing freecell. Suddenly images from a movie I saw a few months ago start coming up in my mind. Bubbling up.

The movie is “Almost famous” and all the scenes star the actress of Fargo fame: Frances McDormand.

She is one of my favorite actresses. Why? Because her capacity to not give a hoot at how ridiculous she looks or sounds is so endearing, so empowering to me, I get courage and power for myself to look ridiculous and not care.

In this movie she goes beyond. And this is what this article is about.

I am not going to tell you the movie: I want you to watch it. But I’ll tell one piece: through her character, exasperating as it is, I have a clearer picture, suddenly, or where the people that are not getting it are.

Some of those people are my students. One of them has been with me since 2007, another one since mid-last year.

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