Category Archives: Communication

The most important skill to master so your life will matter?

Mattering is a feeling. Nothing matters and everything matters.
But if you don’t feel your life matters, then you’ll live consistent with that…

Some mornings it is hard to write an article.

Ultimately, when I examine the possible causes, I find that I am scattered. My attention flits, and it is looking for more reasons to flit (flitting: Move quickly in an apparently random or purposeless manner).

I am sure you recognize yourself.
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A new way of looking at vibration, what it really measures

I’ve always considered vibration the height from where you look from, the height from where you experience what is happening, what happened, and what will happen.

And you act consistent with what you see from where you look from. From the basement, from the street level, the second floor, the penthouse level.
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What does it take to communicate? Not just talk?

What separates humans from other species, yes even from the dolphins, is language. But dolphins do communicate! WTF?

So we have language. Language that hasn’t evolved, let’s say, for tens of thousands of years.

Language is the visible tool of communication.

We have language. And yet we know nothing about communicating. Yes, we talk. Talk a lot. But we don’t communicate.

What is missing for communication to happen is in the invisible.
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Is this the world you intended to create with your word?

Integrity: The Key To A Life That Works. Key to Peace Of Mind, Accomplishment, Satisfaction, And Happiness

When I measure your integrity, it is low. The average integrity of people on this planet is 1%…

Integrity is the relationship between your word and your actions, your word and your beingness, your word and your attitude…
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What are you building with that?

What are you building with that?

This question was my absolute favorite in Landmark Education’s Communication Course…

I have tried to ask it of people outside of Landmark, and the answers I always got was puzzled silence.

So, what am I asking here?

Well, you are always building something. A more popular but less precise way of saying the same thing: you are always creating something… creating yourself, creating your life, every moment.
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Vocabulary and it’s connection to conscious awareness

We throw about big words, and we pretend that we know them. Even ‘scientists’ only pretend. If they didn’t, they would be explaining, clarifying the words, but they don’t.

In the Starting Point Measurements the vocabulary number is what indicates this. I originally intended to call this clarity, but then I decided that if it refers to words, then maybe it can be instructive.

It hasn’t been.

So this article will be, mostly, about words.
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The rudiments of integrity… without mastering kindergarten and elementary school, you can’t go to high school or college

One of my struggling students sent this to me so that I can share it with you.

I take this concept way beyond this level in my programs… but I can’t build on air…

So if you want to do my courses, and succeed with them, do this first. It’s half hour instruction and weeks of practice… like everything worth having, it takes practice, it is a process, and you cannot jump.

I did everything he suggests about 30 years ago… when I first did the Communication Course…

I paid $530. This is about 30% of that course, and you can get it for free.

I listened to it… and it is valuable. I don’t teach as well as this guy… so I don’t mind that you’ll learn this from him.

Watch the videos. You’ll love them.
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Does your speaking create reality… a reality you don’t want?

I am a watcher. I watch people… I keep a tab on them. I am like a watchdog.

I watch about 30 people. Why? I keep my finger on the pulse of the world this way.

One of these people has been my hero for about a decade. I won’t say his name.

Recently he got married. His vibration promptly dropped 120 points. His reality is now shaped by the new wife and her speaking.

Interestingly while they just lived together, she held her tongue. But once there was a ring on her finger, she started to talk.

What alerted me is the sharp change in his business behavior, in the new way he runs his business. He has gone from hard working, high vibration, high dynamic behavior to someone playing with his kaka. Playing small. Not inspiring to me. If he continues this way, he will have no business.

In this article I will look at this phenomenon… It is not rare, in fact every time someone forms a new alliance, they change… and so far they mostly change to less. I’ll help you look at the principle.

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Readers ask… about negotiation, enrollment, differences of opinion, arguments

Dear Sophie:

I just watched this interview with the author of “Never Split the Difference.” It’s a book about negotiation techniques. The author is a former FBI hostage negotiator. I found it quite intriguing. My head was spinning just trying to keep up with the conversation. Afterwards, I was left with very mixed feelings. It seemed to me that my desire to learn more about these techniques was rooted in greed and a sense of wanting to learn in order to win or manipulate. Whatever the feeling, I am not comfortable with it; it was not a pure feeling. I have a different idea about communication, one having to do with connection, more along the lines of Steven Covey, ” Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood,” and Dale Carnegie, and the Communication Course. Maybe I misread the author (without having read the book). Maybe my aversion to learning negotiating techniques is related to my resistance to A is A. I am curious to know the truth value of the material and the intention behind it.

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