Category Archives: Consciousness

The most instructional movie to illustrate consciousness awakening

In this movie, a man, unconscious of himself, his actions, of anything about himself, starts to hear his life narrated in his head (the Observer or the Witness), and starts living his life from that perspective, outside of his body, outside of his mind.

The movie is brilliant. Stranger than fiction. It stars Will Farrell, and Will Farrel could be you.

Now, here is a clue about you: how you will read this article can tell you everything about you.

How you do anything is how you do everything.

It will tell you your future more reliably than anything else you could hear or read.
It will tell you your level of intelligence.
It will tell you what you can hope to get out of my products, my courses, my work. Reliably.

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Procrastinator Doom Loop… How to beat it with energy

Is your not doing the thing procrastination? Can you beat it?

Delaying hard work is all about your mood… or how you feel.

As I have written earlier, the biggest problem with today’s humanity is that we think that our feelings need to match what we want to do.
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When you realize that YOU are wasting your life… Updated

How do YOU waste your life? How do YOU leak?
A student of mine watched a movie last night. In the movie she heard the following dialogue:

“Thank you for saving my life” “Don’t waste it.”

She cried. Later her husband was picking a fight with her. She stepped back and didn’t react.

An hour later the husband came downstairs. She offered him tea. He apologized for his behavior.
Why am I sharing this with you? Because one way or another we are all wasting our life, or most of it.

The most useful question I have found to snap me out of this wasteful way of being is:
What is using my perfectly good life right now?

Here are some examples. All are life-wasters that you can eliminate by bringing consciousness to life… stopping for a moment, and choose…. Helping you with that are, of course, the the activators.

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I there any truth in the ‘law of attraction’?

I read someone’s email this morning and in it the dude says: It is important to bet on the person and not on the deal

Why? Because deals are a dime a dozen

So, he says, it is import to bet on the process no on the result… not on the pot of gold.

And if there is a person going to do the process… hell, you should bet on the person first and only if you deem you should, only then bet on the process.

It is the classic example of not putting the cart in front the horse…

But, alas, knowing what to bet on and in what order requires a little bit of thinking.
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Updated: Removing energetic, vampire attachments, also called cords

I had the insight, after I published this article, and after I removed some 20 attachments, today, that the people (distance healers?) that put the attachment on you may not have malicious intent.

They need to connect to you, and because they are not empaths, they have to do it with a cord-like energy attachment. At the end of the session they don’t remove it… And now they have your energy available to them, or potentially their energy available to you.

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Some of you demonstrate neither sentience nor consciousness

Imagine you are driving down the highway at 65 miles per hour, and your car’s hood (bonnet?) pops up and suddenly it is all over the windshield.

Now that is some conundrum, wouldn’t you say so? It is a problem asking to be solved? What would you do? Better yet: What could you do? What would be the consequence of the different actions you take?

Now imagine how you sound when you actually do your thinking?
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Why it is so hard to care, why is it so hard to be good to yourself?


One of my students bought the subscriber special deal last night… but after paying, she didn’t go and get it, so I had to do it manually for her.

She said when I brought this up: “My daughter was talking my ear off. Lol.”

I bet if you asked the daughter if she cares for her mother, she would be offended by the question. Of course she thinks she cares. But allowing her mother the peace and quiet to complete her purchase isn’t included in her concept of caring…
Download the pdf version of this article at the end of the article

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The big mystery of how to receive for the sake of sharing and get money for you

You receive lasting Light only if your desire is a desire to receive for the sake of sharing, not a desire to receive for the self alone… But the big mystery of how the heck you can desire to receive for the sake of sharing. Some people have found a way… but not THE way…

Life, and desiring is a lot like walking the tight rope. You lean either way too much and you fall off.

I have had a lot of experience falling off, both sides. So I know.

The secret of walking without falling is

awareness of where you are leaning… not easy.
conscious ability to direct your attention
wide cone of vision
certainty… some call it faith.

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Heroism vs. incremental process: choosing will choose your life for you

I just read an article on our mindset, collective mindset, where you wait until something goes really wrong and then you seek out help. It’s here in pdf form… for your convenience. incremental-medicine

This is the mindset that will move you out of trouble and towards a successful life in every area of your life, health, wealth, love, and happiness.

But this is not how you live. You live your life campaigning.

Anything that doesn’t require drama, heroism, anything that is not over the top is ignored, poo-pooed, looked down upon. In every area of life. By you, and by “them”. You dream of being a billionaire while your bills aren’t paid. You dream of a private jet while your credit cards are maxed out. You dream of being a rock star while you haven’t been able to play one song well.

You don’t know, or you ignore the cause of your misery, and then you need rescuing.
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Osho: Baby, my whole work is to confuse you!

I haven’t had many people say that I confuse them, probably because to say that is confrontational, and only about 4% of you is confrontational. Not that you don’t think that, but it takes courage and individuality to utter those words, and you don’t have it in you.

What would it take to say those words, without animosity, without anger, without pointing fingers? If you could solve that conundrum for yourself, life would be a lot better, wouldn’t it?

Until the age of about 40, my biggest issue was what to do with my anger. I made up a story, based on accidental coincidences, that my anger kills… and that I am a murderer. Obviously, with that cornerstone of a belief, it was impossible for me to express my anger in a socially acceptable way, so I suppressed, and then I exploded, and I repeated that pattern for 40 years, to my detriment.

I had ulcers, nervous breakdowns, depression, insomnia… not pleasant.

So, for me to learn to be confrontational, confronted and response, confronted and be well, calm and collected, was a huge shift in my being, in the right direction.

Anyway, here is a talk transcribed from Osho, that I think you’ll enjoy.

Baby, my whole work is to confuse you!

Click here to continue reading on my Osho blog

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