Soul correction: another area where we plan to let go of the tree of knowledge

Soul correction: another area where we plan to let go of the tree of knowledge
Tree of Knowledge is the body of guesses humanity has made to make sense of the Universe.

It’s a huge body of knowledge, much of it made up… the mystical knowledge all belongs there. Religion, astrology, numerology, etc.

I, myself, wasn’t very curious about the world. My class mates were: I was pragmatic: I was taking things as they were. That was, in a way, my advantage when I started to delve into the world of the 99%: I had no preconceived notions, pretty much none.

I did like to read my horoscope though, but my attitude about horoscopes was different from the majority’s: I used and still use horoscopes to take me off the beaten path and pay attention to stuff I normally don’t pay attention to.

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The anatomy of earning your light: a case study

The anatomy of earning your light: a case study

The objective of this case study is to illustrate how I earned another 10 point rise in my vibration.

The language is stream of consciousness. I am starting out not knowing what or how to earn that rise. I am creating it in this article, so if you find the tenses confusing, just hang in there: consider that I am creating in the moment. Re-writing a stream of consciousness “monologue” to a proper English recounting what happened will miss the most important aspect of the process: the truth is unfolding as you speak. So, let’s go, shall we?

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It takes energy to go to the next level. It takes energy to be happy. Where are you leaking energy? Reclaim your energy

It takes energy to go to the next level. It takes energy to be happy.

I am reading a book by one of my absolute favorite writers, Colin Wilson.

This is the first non-fiction book I read in a month: I have put myself on a Tree-of-Knowledge withdrawal fast. I am breaking the fast with his book. The title is “Super Consciousness: In Quest for the Peak Experience”

It’s a horrible title, and if I didn’t know who Colin Wilson is, I would have never bought this book.

But truth be told, some of the most important steps that have lead me to connecting to Source I learned from him.

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