Tag Archives: Coaching

The gap… let’s see how to use it to move forward, upward

Yesterday I had a huge whatever it is you call when you end up with cream on your face… cream from a cream pie.

I had been dismayed that my clients aren’t getting the gap, and therefore they don’t present me with real coaching opportunities.

I am intentionally writing this in a self-deprecating way, because I am, I have been humbled.

How? I said: it is easy…

…and then wanted to think of an example, and could not.

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Do you disappear when you die? And does it matter? And are those voices coming from the dead?

I have been spending quite some time with the dead.

I am finding that when you die, your energy doesn’t die with you. So all the billions of people who ever lived are still represented here by their energies. Are they souls? No. Do they every ascend? No. They are not they… these are energies… something you can connect to, something that can commingle with your energy and wreak havoc.

This fact, the people who lived leave their energy behind, justifies my measurements that some of the most significant people who shaped humanity’s thinking actually never lived. They were constructs of many people. So they never died, never lived.

Jesus, Moses, Lao Tzu, Sun Tzu… King David
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Do You Think You Can Tell WHAT You See?

Most of us are sure we can. We make decisions based on what we see, and our decisions and actions take us to live the life we live.

Most of us live a life of quiet desperation. It was true at the turn of the last century, and it is true now.

There was a discipline and coaching paradigm I studied and used about 9 years ago. It is based on axiology, the Nobel Prize nominated work of Robert Hartman.

Axiology is the study of value or quality. It is the science that deals with what is good and what is not. Beyond and independent of subjective judgment.

The test (Value Profile) we ran in axiology had 4 parameters by which we could map out the potential for success of any individual.

One of them relates to the title. The parameter is called “clarity”.

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Can someone you consider your equal be your teacher? Your coach?

Can someone you consider your equal be your teacher? Your coach?

This question has been coming up for me with some students. And one-by-one I let them go.

When I coach someone, and they answer: good idea! I know they have no respect for me.

Saying “good idea!” indicates that you could have come up with the same thing… that someone needs nothing beyond what you know and what you have, to say what they said, to suggest what they suggested.

This, in the normal course of events, tells me: it is time to cut the connection: there is nothing more I can do here: there is no willingness to be humble on the part of the student.

You could say: I have to earn their respect… but if I haven’t thus far, chances are I never will.

It all boils down to humility.
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