Tag Archives: New York City

Guidance, oracle… the final interpretation is up to you

It’s Tuesday and Rob Brezsny’s syndicated horoscopes landed in my inbox.

I read mine, and my blood turned cold.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): In the coming weeks, you might want to read the last few pages of a book before you decide to actually dive in and devour the whole thing. I also suggest you take what I just said as a useful metaphor to apply in other areas. In general, it might be wise to surmise the probable outcomes of games, adventures, and experiments before you get totally involved. Try this fun exercise: Imagine you are a psychic prophet as you evaluate the long-range prospects of any influences that are vying to play a role in your future.
Fear. Fear that I am working on something that is going to turn out not what I want.

Very scary… in spite of the fact that I experiment all the time. That I rarely make a binding commitment to any path until it is already bringing its results.

I don’t set goals… and don’t commit to outcomes.

And yet, the fear was paralyzingly strong…
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God doesn’t play favorites. Will you be the one who survives?

It seems that we, humans, never look at anything long enough, or awake enough, to actually see the forest for the trees.

What do I mean?
I mean that certain things can only be seen if looked at long enough.
The cat can’t recognize anything stationary, unless it stares at it long enough. And honestly, neither can you. Or me.

But you, with your big brain, and arrogance, you think you saw all you needed to see, and it is how come you use only a small fragment of the information available to you. You don’t even look! You don’t listen! You don’t pay attention to your senses.

You live in your head…

It’s habitual.
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Context, Mindset, Backdrop… why should you care?

Context, Mindset, Backdrop… why should you care?

This is going to be a mind-bender, and at the end of it you’ll come up a lot smarter, and with a lot more power over your life… interested?

It is all about mindset! Context is decisive… and what the heck is a backdrop?

Let’s start with backdrop. Why? Because it’s the easiest to see what’s going on.

I say that the backdrop is more important than what happens in the foreground.

Someone says something to you and you are hurt.
Your boss assigns someone else to an important assignment.
Your experiment at making money with your first product is a flop.
You continually have trouble and emergency in your life.

The above statements are the foreground.

Depending on your mental attitude (mindset) you say it’s bad, or it’s good, or you have no opinion.

So far so good… are you still with me? Good.
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