Category Archives: Reclaim Your Power

We all have moments of brilliance

It only takes one slow-walking person in the grocery store to destroy the illusion that you’re a nice person. And it only takes one ugly mistake to destroy the illusion that you are smart…

In preparation to my What’s the truth about you workshop –> this morning, I have been looking how to have the conversation about your delusions about who you are, how you are, and your abilities.

It’s a touchy issue… in fact 80% of humanity think themselves smarter than average, and smarter than they are. The remaining 16% don’t ever think about that or anything else, 4% think themselves less smart than they are. Continue reading We all have moments of brilliance

Steal back your future

What do you carry that weighs you down so much that that you can never ascend?

Or what weight you carry so that you can’t climb the Tree of Life, until you put it down?

Have you noticed that making permanent changes, doing new things, doing things in a new way, going to places unfamiliar is difficult for you, near impossible?

Consider that you are dragging a persona with you. That persona is what makes the going so difficult, so encumbered… Continue reading Steal back your future

What makes you who you are today?

The obvious answers are that it is your past that makes you who you are. What happened to you. What was your education, your upbringing, your genes, your environment.

And all that seems to make you who you are today, and if you are anything like the people I deal with, day in and day out, you are not happy with who you are, how you are.

Why? How you are doesn’t get you the life you have always wanted, the accomplishments, the joy, the intimacy, the love, the care you wanted.

Is how you are really who you are? No, not at all. Nobody is. Or nobody is fully authentic.

You are is put together, while who you are is diligently covered up. Continue reading What makes you who you are today?

World View: are you trying to build a life on a foundation of misery?

If you ever decided that you wanted to live your life in a particular way, successful, joyful, productive, fulfilling, you would want to CHOOSE a world view –>, a world view that COULD create the perfect foundation for that type of life, the life of your choosing.

But you never decided… and you never chose. You have a worldview, or maybe a worldview has you…

World view is a particular interpretation of life, of creation, of power, of choice, of freedom. Of other people, of nature. Of what is important and what isn’t. Of what is agreed upon and what isn’t.

Depending on the world view, only certain actions and certain things can be present. It’s like a stage in a play: you can’t put there stuff that doesn’t belong. That doesn’t have a role… On the stage, if there is a gun there, you can be sure it will be used during the story. I read that somewhere about Chekhov’s plays… Continue reading World View: are you trying to build a life on a foundation of misery?

The emotions that you are a slave to are manipulated… Emotional Intelligence Part two

This is part two of an article I started yesterday –>

I have a client whose soul correction is Fear/Fearless. She asked me how to get rid of that fear.

She is young, she is impressionable, and she acts fearful. She will have a lot of problems in life from that: it will keep her a child needing protection, someone else to look out for her.

Not what Life wants her to be.

Your soul correction is a particular way you lean away from Life, you turn away from Life: you don’t take responsibility and accountability for yourself and your life.

Life whats what Hillel the elder said some 2100 years ago:

If you are not for you, who is for you?

In this article we’ll examine what is ‘being for yourself’ means… be prepared to be surprised, my students were when they found out. Continue reading The emotions that you are a slave to are manipulated… Emotional Intelligence Part two

Scientists are trying to keep you on the 15th floor of your being. Emotional Intelligence Part One

Once you distinguish something, you start seeing it everywhere… not only where you expect it, but really everywhere. This is done by something called the reticular activator or reticular activating system –>.

I teach distinctions, distinguishing, and my students are reluctant to learn and start seeing… Until you see it everywhere, everything is still about you… and no transformation can take place.

The new distinction I have learned from a set of books by Hungarian engineer, Gyozo Margóczi –>, is that all emotions are created by words, even though feelings are not… Feelings are a little pressure here, tightness there… no meaning. There is a feeling and then you add a word, and you get emotion. Depending on the word you add, the emotion changes.

Here is the  with the corresponding feelings… Continue reading Scientists are trying to keep you on the 15th floor of your being. Emotional Intelligence Part One

What is inspiration? A movie to inspire you to go beyond

Inspiration… inspired… inspirable…

What do these words mean?

The spirit within: inside-spirit

I measure how much the spirit is active within you… and how much, on the current vibrational level, the current integrity level, the current about-me level, the spirit can be aroused.

You cannot be more inspiring that you can be inspired.

The number one communication tool you have available, creating a vision in another person, about themselves, about a project, about the future.

When you can create a vision and communicate it to yourself or to another, all upsets disappear, and you have the amazing result: the person (you?) wants to do what is consistent with that vision… which is what you would want them to do. Continue reading What is inspiration? A movie to inspire you to go beyond

Kabbalists say: the bible is code. They, of course, mean: the Old Testament, the 5 books of Moses

Kabbalists say: the bible is code. They, of course, mean: the Old Testament, the 5 books of Moses.

If the Bible is code, then it is not a story… or if there is a story there, it is itself code: meaning an illustration of a principle.

Egypt stands for slavery. Slavery to whatever people are a slave to: riches, significance, sex, entertainment, desire to receive for the self alone, their racket, the racket with which they extort goodies from others, justify their nastiness, their domination, their haplessness.

Extorting sympathy, or whatever they extort.

So what did Moses do with this bunch of slaves? Continue reading Kabbalists say: the bible is code. They, of course, mean: the Old Testament, the 5 books of Moses

Unless you go to the beyond you are still on the horizontal plain, and in the common world

I participated with Landmark Education in all kinds of positions, participant, coach, trainee, leader. After 26 years I quit.

I quit for the same reason I quit Emotions Anonymous, and ACOA, Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families.

I quit because they were stuck. Stuck in the ordinary world. Stuck in the ordinary mindset. The participants, the leaders… they never moved out of the deep misery… so they were going back, year after year, “sharing” the same stories with the exact same words, with the exact same emotions they shared the year before. Continue reading Unless you go to the beyond you are still on the horizontal plain, and in the common world