Category Archives: Awareness

Hope, hopeful… are they useful or harmful? let’s look.

One of my students who, on the surface appears optimistic, enthusiastic, and unstoppable, saw yesterday that inventing herself hopeful could change her life.

Hopeful is not one of the ways of being that are considered, traditionally, healthy and high vibration.

Why? Because hopeful, the way people use it, is a mind thing… while beingness is not a mind thing at all.

When you are hopeful, the way people use it, you are waiting for a benevolent universe, or some angel, or some deity to give you what you want… So hopeful, as the way people use it is a passive mindset, which is low vibration.
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Your success depends on your ACCURATE seeing cause / effect

A disproportionately large percentage of “knowledge” available on the internet is false.

Some of it is intentional propaganda.
But most of it is the result of wrong world view, false beliefs, Tree of Life undigested stuff, accepted as the truth.

So given the amount of crap, it is you who needs to be a “truth seeker”.

Not “The Truth” but truth…
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The Matrix… one method of the Matrix is confusion…

Just for clarification: the Matrix is the same as the Chicken Coop in the novel, White Tiger…

As a mad scientist, my job is to distinguish the “things” that are in your way of direction, in your way of clarity, and to devise ways for you to go around them or through them.

One tool that has proven invaluable is isolation. Isolating what you want to see. Seeing it by itself. So you can see it for what it is, in all its glory…

In nature, to our eyes, things are grouped, things are undifferentiated and solid.

Your language supports that too… everything is the same as everything else, except not always. That is how we see. We don’t see boundaries, we don’t separate out what we want to see, we always see things together. We say: it IS… but there is no “it” and therefore there is no “is”. If we said: It seems that … then we would be closer to reality… but we don’t say that. That would require humility.

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How is your brain like a guitar? The American Idol syndrome… are you the victim of it?

What do mad scientists do? And why are they considered mad?
Mad scientists go beyond the obvious. They go beyond the visible. They go beyond the socially accepted map of reality, that is obviously faulty.

They are mad because they don’t care if they fit in. In their world, in my world, you are mad if you want to fit in.

Fitting in means dumb, superficial, gullible, manipulable, ignorant, sick, tired, and aimless.

So your reason to be here is all caused by what you find most important: to fit in.

Humans have this big brain, and they never bother to learn how to use it.
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Discover what is special about you, what makes you you?

In the exercise, “what do you want to be acknowledged for?” you have a chance to discover what is special about you.

To be able to love life, to do fulfilling work, you need to know and organize your life around what is special about you.

I just acknowledged a woman for what she wanted to be acknowledged for.

I have known her for some time, but it turns out: I didn’t know her at all. The organizing principle was missing, so I added my opinion to organize her around in my mind: scared.

But it turns out that she moved from one country to another to start a new life, away from a husband she no longer wanted. Start a new life without a support network, from scratch.
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Knowledge… how accurate is it? How safe are you, given the level of knowledge today?

I was looking for pictures for “accurate knowledge” on google… hardly any results. Then I looked for “garbage in garbage out, and I hit the jackpot”… I will put some of the best pictures at the end of this article… they are really funny… But now, let me get to the knowledge article…. OK, here you go:
I am reading Aristotle.

Why? It’s an excellent wake-up call. It knocks you conscious… It has knocked me conscious!

2400 years ago, when Aristotle lived, people, scientists, knew very little about much of anything. They weren’t less inquisitive, they didn’t have less theories, they didn’t argue less. They probably argued more…

They just had theories that are quite ridiculous by today’s standards, knowing what we know today.

Here are a few examples… Be prepared to laugh…
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No amount of right will fix something that is wrong.

Prepare to be spinning with this for a while… Because this article can scramble your reality, like spinning can… Which way is up?
But for the few of you that this is what was missing, it will be like a cool hand on your hot forehead… Soothing. Panacea.
Because, truth be told, your reality is scrambled, and this article has the potential to unscramble it. Again and again.
Because the nature of personal reality is that it is scrambled, and tends to stay scrambled.
No amount of right will fix something that is wrong. At least this is how it looks on the surface. But what is the right and what is the wrong? and is it true that what is wrong IS wrong?

No, I am not kidding you, no I am not pulling your leg… things really don’t work how you think they should.
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Want to learn how to live a frustration free life?

In this article, with your permission, I’ll teach you a little bit of real thinking. How to think. A thinking move. So you can get more aware, and have a lot better life, a lot better results in life than without having some ability to think… or specifically this ability I’ll teach.

OK, the topic we’ll dig deep on is frustration.
But before I go on, let me share something that happened to me when I was around 29.
I had a new boy friend, 13 years older than me, very accomplished in life, and like all Virgos, willing to look, willing to teach, willing to engage.
I was an architect already, by the way.
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Still think memes are innocent? A meme is like a virus

AI have been talking about the memes… and it seems that I haven’t spoken clearly the point.

So let me take a stab at it, and I’ll try until it’s so clear that most people will get it.

A meme is a though form. Words. Some rule, some principle, some saying that says something about how the world works, how you should be, and what is good and bad.

The Tree of Knowledge houses the memes. They live their incestuous life there and they come from there to infect you.
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Are your vibration, your starting point measurements just a bunch of numbers?

I am interested in deciphering the relationship between numbers, scores in your Starting Point Measurements.

I can see, that without a comprehensive and accurate understanding of what causes what, what is cause, what is effect, you may not know how to change the “geography” of your life. You will be stuck where you are… or only move accidentally… so I do see the urgency in this move.

I am expanding the scope of the work I put into measuring your Starting Point Measurements to Enlightenment, to becoming a human being, even though this work more than doubles the time I have to spend with it. Eventually I’ll raise the price, but not yet.

Why? For one, I want to know. But more importantly, instead of giving you a bunch of numbers, maybe I can make them useful… What and idea, right? lol.

So here is the first group of numbers that I have analyzed:
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