Category Archives: Talk Back To Me

Talk Back to me: Do the Avatar State audios work on my family too?

Thank you Sophie. I have bought the Self discipline Activator and it’s working perfectly when I downloaded it to my mobile, is it ok for me to listen to it now.

I am just wondering Sophie I have been playing the activators nearly 24 hours and I see good change with my children and my husband we are living harmoniously especially my youngest daughter she used to answer back a lot but now she hardly do it. Does the Avatar Activator has an effect on them?

Ma… from London, UK
My answer:

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Can’t learn? Won’t learn? Is that how you keep yourself stuck in life?

I am still struggling with having something or anything to say. Now I have the energy, but don’t have the … what?

What don’t I have, and why is that important to know what it is that you don’t have?

The number one need of people, I say, is the desire to make a difference.

But when I say “make a difference” I don’t mean the big flashy things, like Bill Gates curing malaria… I mean being wanted to be there. That you are not refused.

Cain killed Abel in the Bible, because god accepted Abel’s sacrifice, but not his. He, Cain, got furious, and killed who he could killed, Abel.
Feeling refused, feeling not wanted is the cause of the biggest pain, and unfortunately people carry that in their unconscious for the length of their lives.

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Talk Back To Me: Can I play two Avatar State Audios at the same time?

How to get the most out of your Avatar State audio?
Hello Sophie

Below is a copy of the receipt I got from PayPal as requested in your “Package Deal” to acquire access to “Harmonize Your Vibration Audio”.

Also I have some questions.
I have both the Self Discipline and the Unconditional Love Activators and have listened to both at different times while on my computer. My question is this, should they be listened to separately, perhaps even alternating days or can they be listened to one after the other? Ideally I could have both of them running in the background simultaneously, but I don’t know if they would cancel each other out or worse, fry some brain cells. LOL! Is that an option?
For the nth time, let me say how the Avatar State Audios work:

How the harmonize works: the harmonize audio is slightly different from the rest of the Avatar State audios, in that it does not have a FOCUS.

It “shakes” you to harmonize your vibration with the vibration of the Universe.

The more out of sync you are, the more work the audio has to do.

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Talk back to me: How long will it take to raise my vibration to 395?

Question: People ask me: how long should I plan that my vibration rises to 395? Do you have a plan that will allow me to do that in two months?

Answer: This is the type of questions I get regularly. The question belies the world view that we live in a two plus two equals four Universe.

“Plan your work and work your plan.”

I do not share that world view.

I do not believe that cause and effect is linear and you can even detect the why of things happening.

If we could plan, do and bank on the results, then there would be a lot of vibration 395’s would be running around. At the moment there are only four people with or above that vibration on Planet Earth.

Are you disappointed? Did you REALLY think that running some high energy audios will transform you into a sage? A mystic?

My most successful student, at the moment hovers between 360 and 370 in her vibration. She has been doing the work with me since October of 2011.

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Talk Back To Me: Why and how do the harmonizing (Avatar State) audios work?

Question: You say: “Eliminate procrastination, discover your hidden self, Increase your awareness, discover your ability to think, see the big picture, activate your intuition, keep calm under pressure…”

Promises, promises, promises? Just by playing an audio in the background?! Is this a fraud? Or is this true?

And if it works, why does it work? How does it work? Please explain…

Answer: You may have heard about binaural beats. You may have heard about Holosync Technologies.

These two work through your auditory faculties. You need to hear them for these programs to work. Their similarity extends another step: they actually scramble your brain, so the status quo, the set way of thinking, the same old, same old gets stirred up.

If I could bring an analogy: You have your lawn overgrown. You get out your lawn mower and cut your grass. When you look afterwards, at the base of the grass, you see tiny little plants grow with tiny little flowers. Suddenly these little flowers get a chance to get a little sun, for a little while, until the grass grows and start suffocating them again.

Those little flowers represent the unused faculties of creativity, intelligence, courage, purposefulness, etc. When, by using these programs, your usual set-in-your-way thinking gets mowed off, something new can present itself, something that was suppressed before.

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From My Correspondence: Can you help me: My Kundalini rose and messed me up!

A reader sent me this email. There is nothing personal about it: it could happen to you what happened to them. This is why I want to you read it.

Hi Sophie,

It’s been awhile since we’ve communicated or worked together, but I could really use your help. I negligently did some things to myself that threw me way out of balance and I have no idea how to fix it.

Around the end of July, I went to a fair where I bought a couple of gemstones, one of which was garnet, which the person selling it to me said was good for my root chakra. Without really understanding what I was doing and thinking I was simply healing my root chakra, I put the stone directly behind me on the chair I was sitting on for about 3 hours while my root chakra resonated to it. The next day I had an absolutely massive kundalini rising which lasted for about 2 days and was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. It was completely unexpected and caught me completely off guard. I had no intention of messing with my kundalini in any way whatsoever and still would prefer not to have it active because the energy is incredibly overwhelming and too much for me to handle. I later found out that garnet has the property of stimulating kundalini but there was absolutely no way I could have known this.

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Are you attracting or are you repelling? That is the question…

Why is it that most people, you,  who believe in the Law of Attraction actually practice how to repel people and repel what you want?

99% of all people believe in the law of attraction… or some version of it…

People write to me all the time, asking me for something. They want something for nothing. Obviously they are adherents of the Law of Attraction: the law seems to be saying to the: you can attract to yourself things you want by just wanting them. Ask and it is given… or something of that sort. Or if you really desire it… blah blah blah.

I have a few secrets for you: the world doesn’t operate that way. In fact, the world operates closer to what Charlie Munger says: If you want to get what you want, you need to deserve what you want. Continue reading Are you attracting or are you repelling? That is the question…

Enlighten yourself… as often as you can

In yesterday’s Talk-to-me webinar –> one of the things that came up, thank you Baheej, was the idea that you need to be looking at your shortcomings, gaffes, and mistakes with kind eyes.

We all have them, but depending on your attitude towards them they mean that you are no good, they mean that you need to explain, apologize, lie, attack, avoid responsibility, or they mean that you made a blunder… no big deal.

I recommend a lighthearted approach to mistakes. I call it “play with your kaka”, whatever you can play with, you don’t hate.

Now, admittedly, I still have a few things I have done in my life I haven’t been able to play with, or bring a kind eye to… but I am working on it.

Your self-growth depends on your ability to laugh at yourself and take yourself less seriously. Continue reading Enlighten yourself… as often as you can