Being here and now has been a favorite topic of all the fake gurus.
What is a guru? A guru is a person who can teach. I said teach, I didn’t say TALK!
All the gurus I know are big talkers.
What is the difference between talking and teaching? On one hand, you can see the results of teaching: if the student is able to be what is being taught, in the domain of being, then teaching and learning took place.
Knowing about something is not real knowledge, it is talking. Just like talking about flying isn’t flying, talking about love isn’t love…
What makes someone able to learn being? After all, when you communicate (talk) being, it is taken up by the mind, and the mind isn’t interested in being, isn’t able to create being. Especially the mind isn’t interested in you being in the here and now.
Many teachers and courses try to bridge from the mind to the being… Affirmations, inauthenticity exercises, psychodrama, inventing a possibility, the solutions that don’t work well can fill a library.
Hypnosis, noise-treatment, light, sound, smell… visualization, psycho this and psycho that.
All have the same shortcomings: unless being is distinguished on a level beyond the mind, there is no learning, no alteration will happen in being.
Some teachings have a little piece here and there that are useful, but there is no system that has ever been successful. Not in the past 2,000 years, or maybe 3,500 years.
In the Path To Enlightenment Course I am attempting to teach what has never been taught: the art of being in the moment.
Now, a few words about that: you can’t teach being straight, directly. The only way to teach being is to distinguish all the wrong ways of being… Just like you can throw a dart and be off the bull’s eye, in being you can be off target in a million and one ways, and not hit the target being.
But so far, I have found, 3-4 different ways to be off-target that can be distinguished and taught, and there are a few indicators that you are off that even you can sense, feel, or see. The mind won’t be useful here…
One of the indicators is anxiety. Anxiety is easy to recognize, even though different people feel anxiety at different parts of their body, anxiety is so widespread, so ubiquitous, that I don’t have to spend much time identifying it with you.
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