Tag Archives: Effortless Abundance remedy

Updated: How to make your own energy remedy: H.O.E., Unclove with H.O.E., or the Effortless Abundance Remedy

Summary: Some energies, healing energies, can be infused in water or water containing substances. Some energies can’t. The Energizer, the H.O.E., the Unconditional Love Activator, the 2nd and 3rd Phase Activators, and the Effortless Abundance Activator are such energies that can be infused and consumed internally. They work faster that way. Especially if your vibration is low. I myself use my own energies both ways, audio format and infused liquid format… every day. When I forget to infuse my water, I can tell… I start to be very vulnerable to emotions…

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Finish What You Started, Complete What You Started but didn’t Finish?

… Or how do you destroy your life, little by little…

There is nothing more significant in destroying your self-image than starting something, with all the hopes and aspirations it takes to start something and abandoning in before it is finished.

Even if you knew yourself as a great person deserving of the dream you set out to accomplish with the project, by abandoning it, by leaving it in the middle, you declare yourself as undeserving, someone less than a match to your dreams.
When you don’t finish a project, you set yourself up for more of the same, it is a self-strengthening cycle.
It’s all downhill from there. You continue life with a lot of your life force lost to that incident. Now you know yourself as someone who can’t be counted on. Your experience of yourself is that you are a failure, a wannabe, and you hate yourself.

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How do you avoid feeling like a victim though it feels true?

How do you avoid feeling like a victim and take responsibility when clearly something was done to you?
Summary: Lifesaving method of taking back your power from anything or anyone, including yourself. It removes judgment, it removes blame, and returns you to living powerfully

I don’t have a lot of opportunities to practice this, but it is clearly needed. When I teach responsibility from the height of ‘I got this handled’ no one seems to be getting it.

So here is my opportunity to teach it from the trenches, as I am going through the struggle myself.

Here is what happened:

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Molecules of Emotion… Are you suppressing the negative?

Summary: Emotions… without emotions you feel deadened. But you only want good emotions… unfortunately, for you, you can’t have the good without the bad, life is a roller coaster, and you would hate to be stranded on the top of the peak anyway…

I listened to the audiobook, Molecules of Emotions some 10 years ago in the car. It’s a book written by a scientist, Candace Pert.

I did not set out to be a scientist of emotions… but I was eminently suited: instead of just talking about it, instead of writing about, I can actually verify the “findings”, verify or un-verify the theories by feeling.

Our language doesn’t keep up with the emotions: just like we don’t have words for the billions of colors that can be created with the four base colors of light, red, blue and yellow… and of course white… we don’t have accurate words for the feelings that are a combination, an energetic combination of base feelings.

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How do you avoid feeling like a victim and take responsibility when clearly something was done to you?

Summary: Lifesaving method of taking back your power from anything or anyone, including yourself. It removes judgment, it removes blame, and returns you to living powerfully
I don’t have a lot of opportunities to practice this, but it is clearly needed. When I teach responsibility from the height of “I have this handled” no one seems to be getting it.

So here is my opportunity to teach it from the trenches, as I am going through the struggle myself.

Here is what happened:

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It is not who you are, that holds you back. It is the understanding you lack.

You often get your answers at the places you least expect it. This happened to me today.

I bought a marketing software and it came with a webinar recording.

The guy, the speaker, said something that I should have said, but I could never actually verbalize it the way he did:

It is not who you are, that holds you back. It is the understanding you lack

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Summary: We have all heard about blockages… we can even visualize them. We know of people who claim that they clear them… but what are blockages, really? And how do you remove them?

Yesterday we had a session on the Carrot and Stick webinar workshop, and it went differently than the way I planned. We could say that I encountered a blockage in or with people… because they didn’t want to do what I wanted them to do… Instead of forcing my plan on them, I started to listen and started to hear that I was forcing to build a skyscraper on insufficient foundation… We spent the whole 210 minute long session building foundation, and tearing up foundation that was fear-based. We are not done, but we started the work that needs to be done… foundation building. Foundation that will allow a healthy human being to be built upon, instead of trying to fix the plumbing on the 3rd floor… which is like hocus pocus.

You can do a lot of hocus pocus, but you can only work with what’s there, and you can only have flow if you find out exactly what keeps some old stuff stuck there.

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Effortless Abundance news: non-alcoholic version, side effects, feedback, meditation

Effortless Abundance Activator: Allow abundance to reach you: feel abundance, release tension, release longing, jealousy, envy, greed, resistance and gain power in your life. The remedy contains 168 different transformative energies that effect a different area of life and a different area of your personality. Removes the effects of stress, failure, fear, anxiety and replace them with peace and well-being. Energy medicine: no medical claims, no chemicals, no voodoo. True and tried. Unconditionally guaranteed to work.

New: I have added a non-alcoholic version of this remedy on Amazon.

Unexpected side effects to Effortless Abundance Activator

I didn’t expect results and changes the way they happened. I thought they would be gentle, gradual. It didn’t happen that way for me. It was more like I wanted want more light, and I meant another light bulb, well within my comfort zone, but what I got is the whole cloudless sky. Overwhelming.

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Effortless – Wholistic – Abundance Activator Meditations

I have scheduled the live calls for the Effortless – Wholistic – Abundance Activator Meditations.

The calls will not be interactive to create good crisp and short audios.

The calls will be on Wednesdays at 4 pm New York Time.

There is no requirement to be on the calls: if you paid for it, you will get the recordings in your membership area automatically. The recordings preserve the energies in the audios, and you will benefit as much or more from them, as if you had been on the live call.

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Effortless Abundance… finally an activator for that… I’ve made it wholistic

Effortless Abundance or Wholistic Abundance

From time to time I have famous gurus contacting me for a vibrational reading, and from time to time they want to work with me, meaning, they want me to teach them.

Now, the first price to pay, when you come to me, is your notion that you know something, and that what you know is true… and that you only need to add to that knowledge to be all you could be.

Especially, if you are someone who teaches others what you know, and they pay you handsomely, or not handsomely, but pay you.

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