Tag Archives: the big picture

How Does Source Talk To You? Your Soul Correction and Your Avatar State Activator: how does it work?

Your Soul Correction and Your Avatar State Activator: how does it work?

Obviously Source doesn’t speak in words, despite of what all the channellers, all the religions, all the systems intent on duping you. It is as if expecting your garbage to open its mouth and say: take me to the curb, tomorrow is garbage collection day: it is not going to happen.

Your cow doesn’t say: milk me, I am ready… and yet, you know it’s time to milk the cow.

Yet, just like the garbage talks to you, just like the cow talks to you, Source talks to you.

It is either that you listen or that you don’t.

I pay more attention than most, so I hear a lot of what Source is saying.

Here is an example: I had a call yesterday. I was coaching a student, who had computer problems: the computer would start but not stay up. I told her what I did in a similar instance. As I was saying it, I could feel that I was acting superior, which is my soul correction.

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Talk Back To Me: Why and how do the harmonizing (Avatar State) audios work?

Question: You say: “Eliminate procrastination, discover your hidden self, Increase your awareness, discover your ability to think, see the big picture, activate your intuition, keep calm under pressure…”

Promises, promises, promises? Just by playing an audio in the background?! Is this a fraud? Or is this true?

And if it works, why does it work? How does it work? Please explain…

Answer: You may have heard about binaural beats. You may have heard about Holosync Technologies.

These two work through your auditory faculties. You need to hear them for these programs to work. Their similarity extends another step: they actually scramble your brain, so the status quo, the set way of thinking, the same old, same old gets stirred up.

If I could bring an analogy: You have your lawn overgrown. You get out your lawn mower and cut your grass. When you look afterwards, at the base of the grass, you see tiny little plants grow with tiny little flowers. Suddenly these little flowers get a chance to get a little sun, for a little while, until the grass grows and start suffocating them again.

Those little flowers represent the unused faculties of creativity, intelligence, courage, purposefulness, etc. When, by using these programs, your usual set-in-your-way thinking gets mowed off, something new can present itself, something that was suppressed before.

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What is the Truth? And how do you go about deciding it?

If you’ve been following my vibrational reviews, you’ve probably experienced confusion, fear, anguish seeing that most gurus, most people, in fact, have a low vibration.

Vibration is not your energy, or not really. Vibration is a number that shows to what degree you are in truth.

What is truth? Truth is Existence. Truth is how it is. That A is A… no contradiction, not a good idea, not because someone said so, but because it is. Always.

The higher your vibration, the more you are in harmony with life, your thinking, your emotions, your reactions, your reality is in sync with how it is, really.

When your vibration is low, you are seeing only a small fragment of the truth, therefore you are powerless with reality. No matter what you do in unreality, it will never make a difference in reality.

Unreality is where The Man of La Mancha lived: he fought windmills, thinking they were giants. He rescued a princess who was not a princess at all and didn’t need rescuing.

It can be funny, and it can be tragic, when you are living in unreality. Funny for others, tragic for you.

How the heck did you end up spending your precious life dealing with unreality, you ask?

The answer is simple: you were brought up by people who also dealt in unreality. They taught you what they “knew” and they knew only unreality. They were miserable too.

When did it begin? I think it began at the beginning of time.

But the significant damage started to be engineered by the people of religion.

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Dreams: The difference between scary dreams and guiding dreams, fear versus intuition

I use everything for guidance. My method of guidance is one of the magicians of The Soaring Method use for guidance. (Carlos Castaneda demonstrates it well in his Journey to Ixtlan… He calls the two, signs and omen.) But the inner guide, the intelligence that you need to develop and then communicate with, the part of you that sees with 360 degree cone of vision, sees the Big Picture. Your intellect, your eyes, your mind can only see a narrow cone of vision.

Being guided, to see the signs, takes awareness, sober awareness. You can’t be sheep: you need to stay aware and awake.

One of the ways the Dark Side leads you is pretending to be guidance. Self-fulfilling prophecies, myths, superstition, dogmas, “everybody believes that!” is all Dark Side tools.

One of the guides I have is Rob Brezsny, a syndicated astrologist with a column in my local independent weekly.

I’ve made it a point, for the past 12 years, to read it every week. So far there have been three weeks where I could not see that the guidance was meant for me.

I use the weekly horoscope as my guide to do my spiritual growth work, and it has always added a fresh direction to my already wide cone of vision.

Here is my horoscope for this week:
Do you ever fantasize about a more perfect version of yourself? Is there, in your imagination, an idealized image of who you might become in the future? That can be a good thing if it motivates you to improve and grow. But it might also lead you to devalue the flawed but beautiful creation you are right now. It may harm your capacity for self-acceptance. Your assignment in the coming week is to temporarily forget about whom you might evolve into at some later date, and instead just love your crazy, mysterious life exactly as it is.
It’s right on: my job is to love me and my life… yaaaay!

In this quote from Rob Brezsny, he talks about dreams, guidance and intuition versus fear or omens.

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Intelligence vs Intellect

I have been on a roll this past few days… I have received all these insights. Amazing.

The last insight in this series is about intelligence.

I have discovered a few things, just today… listen up.

Intelligence is not yours. It is not mine. It is shared. It is like air: if you breathe, it is yours. If you hold your breath, it is not yours.

Imagine a kitchen sink. Most kitchen sinks are designed to be used by one person. If you want to wash dishes, no one can help you with the work: it is either you or them.

Same is with intelligence. Intelligence is waiting for your beck and call, meaning it is always available. You aren’t.

Why wouldn’t you? After all, intelligence is a lot smarter than you, it has your best interest in mind!

Unfortunately, your mind and your ego, your egomind can’t tolerate watching someone being smarter… better, cannot tolerate seeing someone winning, graceful… oh no! To the egomind it means that IT is less… and there is no way IT hell he will allow it. So egomind jumps in and attempts to do all the things, poorly, for the glory of doing it ITself.

Intelligence is not available when your mind and ego are there…

How did I discover this? Playing computer games. Egomind wants to play, win or lose it doesn’t matter to egomind, as long as it can be busy playing.

I have been training myself to step aside and allow intelligence to play (and win every time!) for about five years now. I have trained myself to be willing to catch when I want to force my will, and pull back.

What is the difference between intelligence and intellect?

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Do you respect money? If not, you pay the price…

Why is respect hard and rare?

Because respect includes the capacity and the willingness to look again, but this time look from a different vantage point, preferably from the point of view of the other person. Of the big picture, away from the wishful thinking, the inflated self-image, and your expectations.

I remember, that all my life, all I ever wanted is to be considered a person. In a world where people consider themselves things in the world of things, being treated, being looked at, being listened to as a person is so rare that I can remember every time it happened. Or every time I detect that energy in a book… I tear up.

And yet, everyone wants to be treated like a person, and everyone treats themselves and others like they are things.

One of the big prices we pay is with our money.

I had this conversation this past Sunday with a friend who is working on becoming a millionaire: he is at minus lots-of-money, lots of zeros right now. Continue reading Do you respect money? If not, you pay the price…

World View: are you trying to build a life on a foundation of misery?

If you ever decided that you wanted to live your life in a particular way, successful, joyful, productive, fulfilling, you would want to CHOOSE a world view –>, a world view that COULD create the perfect foundation for that type of life, the life of your choosing.

But you never decided… and you never chose. You have a worldview, or maybe a worldview has you…

World view is a particular interpretation of life, of creation, of power, of choice, of freedom. Of other people, of nature. Of what is important and what isn’t. Of what is agreed upon and what isn’t.

Depending on the world view, only certain actions and certain things can be present. It’s like a stage in a play: you can’t put there stuff that doesn’t belong. That doesn’t have a role… On the stage, if there is a gun there, you can be sure it will be used during the story. I read that somewhere about Chekhov’s plays… Continue reading World View: are you trying to build a life on a foundation of misery?